



    Lance Spitzner found following.  He identified a major DoS  attack
    for FW-1.   CPU mysteriously hits  100% utilization, system  locks
    up.  Some systems may also crash, depending on OS type.

    However, it seems that  every installation of FW-1  is vulnerable,
    regardless of Operating System type or version/patch level of  the
    FW-1  installation.   However,  this  has  only  been  tested  and
    confirmed with ver  4.1 SP1 on  the Nokia, and  ver 4.1 on  NT and
    Solarix x86 platform.  This may also effect other firewalls  based
    on FW-1 code.  If you are running a variant, check it to make sure
    you don't have the same problem.

    There is NO way to protect against it.  Your rulebase cannot  stop
    this attack.   If your  rulebase is  denying everything,  you  are
    still vulnerable.

    FW-1 does NOT log  these attacks in the  firewall logs.  Not  only
    will  the  firewall  will  be  taken  out,  but it is difficult to
    determine  why.   Illegally  fragmented  packets  (such  as  those
    generated  by   jolt2)  may   be  logged   by  Unix   systems   to
    /var/adm/messages.  For more info about jolt2 see:

    Most frag based attacks  that use incomplete or  illegal fragments
    will work,  including jolt2.   The firewall  does not  have to  be
    attacked directly, if  the frags are  routed through the  firewall
    for a system behind the firewall, FW-1 is still taken out.

    FW-1 does not inspect, nor does it log, fragmented packets  untill
    the packet  has first  been completely  reassembled.   Since these
    exploit  packets  are  never  fully  assembled,  they  are   never
    inspected nor logged.   Thus, the firewall's  own rulebase  cannot
    be used to  protect against the  attack.  For  more information on
    FW-1 IP Fragmentation reassembley, see

    The  actual  CPU  utilization  is  most  likely  the result of the
    application  attempting  to  reassemble  hundreds  or thousands of
    incomplete and  illegally fragmented  packets.   As stated  above,
    the  firewall  rulebase  cannot  block  these packets, as they are
    never inspected.

    Other firewalls may have the same problem and vulnerability.


    CheckPoint has developed a short term solution to the problem.   A
    percentage of CPU utilization is due to console error messages  on
    some  Unix  systems.  By  disabling  FW-1 kernel logging, some CPU
    utilization will be  saved.  However,  all FW-1 kernel  logging is
    disabled, you  will have  no capability  for logging  any firewall
    kernel events.  At the command line on the Firewall, type as root:

        fw ctl debug -buf

    Ensure  the  operating  system  has  the  latest  patches.    Most
    operating system have recently released patches that help  protect
    against fragment attacks.

    Run an IDS module (such as  snort).  When you detect frag  attacks
    block the Src  at the router  (remember, the firewall  CANNOT stop
    the attack, its rulebase is powerless).  However, this method  may
    not work with spoofed Src packets.

    CheckPoint  is  developing  a  long  term  solution, which will be
    distributed as part  of a later  Service Pack.   However, this fix
    was not available for testing at the time of this advisory.

    IP Filter doesn't do  any packet reconstruction for  fragmentation
    nor output large amounts of messages to the console.  It will  let
    you block/log  them to  your hearts  content and  at the same time
    supports passing of  fragments through which  are seen to  be part
    of kept  state (limitatins  apply) without  needing to  defragment
    things.   Consequently there  are the  usual DoS  issues with full
    tables, etc  - there  is only  so much  you can  do.  For the most
    part, the Internet is largely fragment free so blocking them is  a
    real solution/alternative.