



    Following paper was written  by Thomas Lopatic, John  McDonald and
    Dug  Song.   At  the  Black  Hat  Briefings  2000, we presented an
    analysis of Check Point FireWall-1 vulnerabilities resulting  from
    protocol design flaws, problems in stateful inspection, common  or
    default  misconfigurations,   and  minor   implementation   errors
    discovered over the  past few months  in the lab,  and verified in
    real-world penetration tests.

    In this  advisory, authors  summarize theirr  findings and provide
    some recommendations  for safe  configuration. It  is intended  to
    complement our presentation slides and source code, available at:

    Their  research  was  conducted  against  a  Nokia  IP440  running
    FireWall-1 version 4.0 Service Pack 5.  Check Point later provided
    version 4.1 Service Pack 1, which was still vulnerable to most  of
    the attacks  described here  but came  with a  much safer  default
    configuration.  Check Point  has since released service  packs for
    all supported versions of  FireWall-1 to specifically address  the
    vulnerabilities documented here.

    1 Authentication
    In the  examination of  any security  product, the  administrative
    control  channels  are  often  the  weakest  link  -- and the most
    security critical.   Indeed, authors found  that FireWall-1, in  a
    typical distributed deployment, was susceptible to several trivial
    attacks against its inter-module authentication protocols.

    Their attacks assume that the attacker has access to port  256/tcp
    on  the  filter  module,  and  knows  the  IP  address of either a
    management module or  any peer for  which a shared  authentication
    secret has been  configured using ``fw  putkey.'' In version  4.0,
    this port is exposed to the  world by default, as it is  also used
    by  SecuRemote  clients.   In  version  4.1,  however,  SecuRemote
    clients use port 264/tcp, with access to 256/tcp restricted.

    While  only  the  management  console  is  able  to  issue  unload
    commands, the binary  load (bload) command  is enabled by  default
    for any IP address that the filter module knows an  authentication
    secret for.  Authors were able to verify this under version 4.0 by
    using  binary  load  to  upload  an  ``allow  all'' policy.  Their
    attacks bypass  authentication to  issue an  unload command, which
    is easier to implement, and more portable between versions.

    1.1 IP Address Verification
    In the inter-module authentication protocol, a filter module  does
    not verify the source  IP address of an  authenticating management
    module by checking the peer address of a connection -- it examines
    a list of  IP addresses handed  to it.   A common misconfiguration
    is to put */none

    in  the  file,  to  ease  local  administration.   An
    attacker only needs to send as her IP address to  bypass
    authentication  completely,  as  demonstrated  by  our ``fw1none''

    After exchanging  version and  IP address  information, the filter
    module replies with the  authentication it wants to  be performed.
    Upon successful  authentication, the  management module  transmits
    the arguments for the command to be executed.  Finally the  filter
    module returns a  status code to  indicate whether or  not command
    execution was successful.

    The  protocol  is  in   general  not  strictly  synchronous.    In
    particular, the exchange  of IP addresses  happens asynchronously,
    i.e.  the management module does not have to send its IP addresses
    first.  It could  just wait for the  filter module to send  all IP
    addresses and  then transmit  its own.  In this  way, an  attacker
    acting as a  management module may  learn all IP  addresses of the
    firewall without actually authenticating.  This is useful for  the
    encapsulation  attacks  discussed  later,  or  in  discovery  of a
    management module's IP address.

    If we present  an IP address  to the filter  module that does  not
    correspond to a management  module -- or more  generally speaking,
    an IP address that it  does not have an authentication  secret for
    -- it will simply refuse to  authenticate.  Hence we can scan  for
    the  correct  IP  address  of  the management module by connecting
    repeatedly,  giving  a  different  IP  address  (or  list  of   IP
    addresses) each time.

    1.2 S/Key
    S/Key  authentication  is  used  when  communicating with embedded
    FireWall-1 devices. It is also the fallback for version 4.0 filter
    modules that  do not  have an  encryption license  and thus do not
    support FWA1.

    The problem with Check Point's S/Key implementation is that  after
    a shared secret  has been used  for 99 iterations,  the management
    module generates a  new authentication secret  using time().   The
    time() function has a resolution of seconds.  Therefore, there are
    only  24  *  3600  =  86400  different  possibilities  for secrets
    generated on  a single  day.   Even worse,  if the  status of  the
    filter  module  is  polled  periodically  every  10  seconds,   99
    authentications  will  be  performed  in  a  maximum  990 seconds.
    Working back from current  time, we just have  to try each of  the
    990 possible  values in  the period  from now  to 990 seconds ago,
    because we can be sure that a new shared secret has been generated
    at least once during this period.

    With our  S/Key brute  forcing program  ``fw1bf,'' we  are able to
    perform  about  50  guesses  per  second against FireWall-1 4.0 by
    using  parallel  connections,  covering  a  whole  day of possible
    authentication secrets  in less  than half  an hour.   Version 4.1
    does  not  support  as  many  parallel  connections,  reducing our
    effective rate by an order of magnitude.

    The S/Key authentication secret, once recovered, may be used  with
    our ``fw1skey''  tool to  issue an  unload command  to the  filter

    There is  no encryption  with S/Key  authentication.   Neither are
    there any provisions  for data integrity.   Internal threats  like
    TCP connection hijacking apply.

    1.3 FWN1
    FWN1 is an alternative to  S/Key, sometimes used at sites  lacking
    an encryption license for version  4.0 filter modules.  It  is the
    default authentication method for OPSEC in version 4.0 and version

    Authentication is  based on  a shared  secret K.   This secret  is
    needed to sign data using a keyed hash.  K is appended to the data
    and the result is fed to a cryptographically secure hash function.
    The resulting digest is used as  a signature.  The peer, who  also
    knows K, is able to  verify the signature by calculating  the same
    keyed hash.

    The original  value for  K is  set using  ``fw putkey.''  However,
    after the first authentication,  a Diffie-Hellman key exchange  is
    initiated,  resulting  in  a  new  shared  1024  bit  secret K for

    The FWN1 protocol works as follows:

        1. The filter module generates a random number R1.
        2. The filter module signs R1. The signature S1 = Hash(R1 + K)
           where '+' denotes concatenation.
        3. R1 and S1 are sent to the management module.
        4. The management module verifies S1.
        5. The management module generates a random number R2.
        6. The   management  module   calculates  the    corresponding
           signature S2  = Hash(R1  + K),  where '+'  is concatenation
        7. R2 and S2 are sent to the filter module.
        8. The filter module verifies S2.

    This protocol  is trivially  defeated by  a simple  replay attack.
    Instead of generating our own R2,  we can just reuse the value  R1
    sent by the filter module.  Then, we can also reuse the  signature
    S1, instead of having to generate our own S2.

    Our ``fw1fwn''  utility implements  the unload  command with  FWN1

    There is no encryption with FWN1 authentication. Neither are there
    any  provisions  for  data  integrity.   Internal threats like TCP
    connection hijacking apply.

    1.4 FWA1
    FWA1 is similar  to FWN1, with  the addition of  encryption to the
    communication between the modules.  This is the default  mechanism
    used in version 4.1, and for most commands in version 4.0 when  an
    encryption license is present.

    Again,  there  is  a  shared  secret  K,  initially set using ``fw
    putkey.''  After  the  first  successful  authentication,  it   is
    replaced by a 1024 bit  value resulting from a Diffie-Hellman  key
    exchange.  The FWA1 protocol works as follows:

        1. The filter module generates a random number R1.
        2. The filter module signs R1. The signature S1 = Hash(R1 + K)
           where '+' denotes concatenation.
        3. R1 and S1 are sent to the management module.
        4. The management module verifies S1.
        5. The management module generates a random number R2.
        6. The management  module calculates R3  = R1 ^  R2, where '^'
           denotes XOR.
        7. The   management  module   calculates  the    corresponding
           signature S2  = Hash(R3  + K),  where '+'  is concatenation
        8. R2 and S2 are sent to the filter module.
        9. The filter module verifies S2.

    Hence, the only change from FWN1 authentication is that instead of
    signing R2, the management module signs R3 = R1 ^ R2.  Again, this
    protocol  is  trivially  defeated  with  a  simple  replay attack.
    Authors just choose R2 to be zero.  In this way R3 = R1 ^  R2 will
    yield  R3  =  R1  and  we  can  again  reuse  the  filter module's

    The ``fw1fwa'' utility  implements FWA1 authentication.   However,
    the unload  command cannot  be issued,  as encryption  is used  to
    protect the communication channel.

    Authors  have  simplified  our  presentation  of the FWN1 and FWA1
    authentication  algorithms  a  bit  for  the  sake of clarity.  In
    practice,  only  64  of  the   128  bits  of  the  signature   are
    transmitted.   In FWA1  the remaining  64 bits  of S1  and S2  are
    concatenated to form the  128 bit encryption key.   Since S1 =  S2
    in attack, authors would have  to guess the 64 bit  encryption key
    to successfully  issue an  unload command.   There may  still be a
    more  sophisticated  and  practical  way  which  has  yet  to   be

    If the shared 1024 bit secret generated by the Diffie-Hellman  key
    exchange turned  out to  be guessable  by a  practical brute force
    attack because of a lack of  entropy, we would perhaps be able  to
    find a  relatively small  set of  candidate values  for K by brute
    forcing based  on R1  and S1.   Then we  could try  all  candidate
    values for  K to  find the  real K.   To identify  the real  K, we
    could use the known plaintext of the ``authentication successful''
    reply that we receive, which is already encrypted.

    To date, authors have not come  up with a practical attack on  the
    complete  FWA1   protocol,  including   encryption.   Still,   the
    authentication mechanism is seriously broken.

    FWA1  uses  the  proprietary  stream  cipher FWZ1, recently posted
    anonymously  to  the  Usenet  sci.crypt newsgroup.  Unfortunately,
    even  a  simple  command  like  unload  needs at least 18 bytes of
    arguments.  Moreover, a different key is used in either direction,
    confounding   any    known   plaintext    attacks   against    the
    ``authentication successful'' reply.

    There are  no provisions  for data  integrity in  FWA1.   Internal
    attackers  are  able  to  flip  bits  in  a connection between two
    modules by  simply XORing  the ciphertext  C with  a corresponding
    bit mask X, since  the decrypted plaintext P  = C ^ K,  where K is
    the key stream  and '^' denotes  XOR.  Decryption  of C ^  X would
    thus yield (C ^ X) ^ K = (C ^ K) ^ X = P ^ X.

    2 Packet Filtering
    Static  packet  filtering  is  perhaps  the simplest mechanism for
    network access  control, but  also deceptively  hard to  implement
    correctly. We found  FireWall-1 to be  susceptible to a  number of
    attacks  based  on  incomplete  input verification, including some
    that allowed for attacks against stateful inspection as well.

    2.1 TCP Fastmode
    FireWall-1 provides a mechanism known as ``fastmode'' to allow  an
    administrator to designate  certain services as  being performance
    critical.   The  FireWall-1  kernel  module  simply passes packets
    that  have  a  source  or  destination  port of a fastmode service
    without any additional connection or rule base checking.

    Additionally, in fastmode,  only SYN packets  are verified.   This
    allows  an  attacker  to  pass  non-SYN  TCP  packets  through the
    firewall to  map the  network by  setting the  source port  of her
    packets to  that of  the fastmode  service.   Authors demonstrated
    mapping a network using the -g and -sF options in nmap.

    2.2 FWZ Encapsulation
    FireWall-1's simple tunneling protocol for SecuRemote  connections
    proves extremely useful in bootstrapping insertion attacks against
    stateful  inspection.   This  protocol  (FWZ  tunnelling  via   IP
    protocol  94)   is  decapsulated   at  the   very  beginning    of
    pre-inspection,  before  any  real  analysis  is  performed.   The
    decapsulated packet  is then  fed through  the inspection process.
    It is not  necessary to authenticate  or encrypt packets  in order
    to use this  encapsulation protocol.   Furthermore, we could  find
    no  way  to  disable  this  functionality,  short  of filtering IP
    protocol 94 with another device.

    An ordinary IP packet is FWZ encapsulated as follows: the original
    destination IP address and protocol  are appended as a trailer  to
    the end of the packet, and replaced in the original header by  the
    target  IP  address  (one  of  the  firewall's  interfaces) and IP
    protocol 94.   The trailer,  five bytes  in length,  is obfuscated
    via XOR  with a  keyed hash  on the  IP ID.   While authors didn't
    recover the key used  in the hash, our  tools cheat by fixing  the
    IP ID to one and XORing against a static hash.

    In this  manner, FWZ  encapsulation may  be used  to send  packets
    through the firewall that  would otherwise be unroutable,  such as
    packets from the DMZ or intranet to the Internet, packets destined
    for a multicast address, or packets to addresses behind NAT or  on
    RFC 1918 private networks.

    2.3 IP Spoofing Protection
    IP spoofing  protection on  FireWall-1 is  configured per  network
    object at the interface level.  Several options are possible,  but
    the typical configuration looks something like this:

    1. DMZ  and intranet  interfaces set  to ``This  Net'' or  perhaps
       ``This Net +'',  restricting valid source  IP addresses on  the
       interface  to  those  directly  on  its network, or routable to
       its network.
    2. External  interface  set  to  ``Others'',  disallowing  packets
       purporting  to  originate  from  any  of  the  DMZ  or intranet

    While  this  configuration  seems  simple  enough,  it  leaves out
    spoofing protection for one  important IP address --  the external
    interface of the firewall.  Denial of spoofed packets coming  from
    firewall  interfaces  is  apparently  enabled  by  default  in all
    versions  of  FireWall-1  other  than  version 4.1 Service Pack 1.
    Coupled with the default rule  to allow ISAKMP packets, this  hole
    allows  an  attacker  to  send  any  UDP  datagram to the external
    firewall interface.

    Another possibility for evading  IP spoofing protection is  to use
    the all-hosts  multicast address  ( as  a mechanism  for
    delivering  packets  to  the  underlying  operating  system of the
    firewall.   For demonstration,  authors used  FWZ encapsulation to
    spoof a  packet from  the multicast  address to  our attack  host,
    allowing  us  to  respond  with  a  packet  sent  to the multicast
    address, passed on to the  firewall itself.  This attack  can also
    be performed with broadcast addresses.

    3 Stateful Inspection
    Stateful inspection firewalls try to enforce certain semantics  in
    the traffic they relay.   The mechanisms used to accomplish  this,
    however, are often  incomplete or subject  to simple insertion  or
    evasion, bearing  some similarity  to the  problems encountered in
    passive network monitoring.

    FireWall-1's stateful inspection is vulnerable in a number of ways
    related to  layering violations  in inspection,  and ambiguity  in
    end-to-end   semantics.    Many   of   these   attacks   rely   on
    misconfiguration of  IP spoofing  protection, or  leveraging other
    mechanisms, such as FWZ encapsulation, for insertion.

    3.1 FTP Data Connections
    3.1.1 FTP PORT
    FireWall-1's FTP processing tries  to restrict the destination  of
    FTP data connections to the FTP client associated with the control
    connection, preventing the classic FTP bounce attack.  In previous
    versions of FireWall-1, this  was trivially bypassed by  splitting
    up the  PORT command  over multiple  packets, or  even by spelling
    ``PoRT''  in  mixed  case  for  version  3.0.   However,  with the
    latest checks imposed  by FireWall-1 to  restrict one FTP  command
    to a packet, bypassing this becomes a little more difficult.

    In authors  presentation, they  demonstrated an  ambiguity in  the
    parsing  of  the  PORT  command  that  allows  us  to  bypass this
    restriction.   FireWall-1  takes  each  octet  of the presented IP
    address as  a long  integer, shifts  it the  appropriate number of
    bits and then adds it to  its notion of the IP address.   However,
    the FTP server  we targeted on  Solaris 2.6 interprets  each octet
    of the IP address modulo 256.  This difference allows us to  trick
    the firewall  into believing  the connection  is destined  for the
    correct client IP,  while the FTP  server believes the  connection
    is destined for itself.

    The attack we  demonstrated was against  the ToolTalk RPC  daemon.
    Authors  uploaded  two  files  to  the  FTP  server  in a publicly
    writable directory, and then  instructed the FTP daemon  to upload
    those  files  to  its  own  ToolTalk  daemon port with a carefully
    crafted PORT command.   The first file  was necessary to  kill the
    daemon, and the second file was the buffer overflow, as  generated
    by the ToolTalk exploit by apk.

    Authors also demonstrated utilizing  FWZ encapsulation to spoof  a
    FTP  control  connection  packet  from  our  victim machine to our
    attacking  computer.   The  payload  of  this  packet  was  a PORT
    command,  which  the  firewall's  FTP  stateful  inspection module
    interpreted  as  a  legitimate  data  connection that needed to be
    passed through the firewall.

    3.1.2 FTP PASV
    Authors originally intended to disclose this attack at our
    presentation, but it was independently discovered and published
    by Mikael Olsson.  This vulnerability can be be found at:

    FireWall-1 violates a basic layering abstraction in its inspection
    of TCP application data within discrete IP packets, allowing for a
    simple  insertion  attack.   Authors  can  leverage the quoting of
    client  input  in   an  FTP  server's   error  messages  and   the
    client-side configuration  of TCP  connection parameters  to trick
    the firewall  into allowing  arbitrary data  connections for  PASV
    replies they generate themselves.

    To demonstrate,  they used  our ``ftp-ozone''  tool to  open up  a
    direct  connection  to  the  ToolTalk  daemon  on  the FTP server,
    allowing them to execute a buffer overflow attack.

    3.2 Simplex TCP Connections
    A connection in  FireWall-1's connection table  may be flagged  to
    restrict data flow to  one direction (One-Way versus  Either-Way).
    The first packet containing TCP data establishes the direction  of
    the connection,  and any  data travelling  in the  other direction
    will  cause  the  connection  to  be  dropped from the connections
    table.   In versions  of FireWall-1  prior to  4.1, the  check for
    data only considered the first fragment in a series of  fragmented
    packets.   Thus, it  was possible  to bypass  this restriction  by
    sending  a  TCP  data  packet  in  two  IP  fragments -- the first
    containing the TCP header, the second containing data (a variation
    on the tiny fragment attack against static packet filters).

    Check Point  corrected this  in the  latest version,  but there is
    still another way to bypass it.  It is important to note that  the
    firewall does  not attempt  to tear  down the  connection; it only
    removes its entry in the connection table and drops any subsequent
    packets.  As FireWall-1 doesn't verify TCP sequence numbers, it is
    possible to re-establish the  connection with the same  source and
    destination  parameters,  allowing   for  retransmission  of   the
    previously  dropped  TCP  data  to  set  a  new  direction for the
    connection,  passing  the  data  back  through  the  firewall.  To
    exploit this,  a small  program running  in an  infinite loop that
    constantly re-opens the  FTP data connection  can be used  to leak
    the return data through, although somewhat inefficiently.

    3.3 RSH stderr
    RSH is another protocol that permits an insertion attack to  allow
    back-connections through the firewall,  in the same manner  as the
    previous FTP PORT exploit.  This requires a legitimate RSH  client
    inside  the  firewall,  with  the  firewall  configured  to  allow
    RSH/REXEC stderr connections (a  simple policy box check,  without
    any rules required for RSH in the rulebase).

    RSH  stderr  connection  handling  also  presents a problem in its
    management of connection state.   Although unable to exploit  this
    vulnerability in versions 4.1 and later, authors decided to  leave
    the discussion of it in our presentation as it nicely  illustrates
    some of the state-tracking mechanisms FireWall-1 uses internally.

    When FireWall-1 sees the first SYN of an RSH or REXEC  connection,
    it records the source  address, source port, destination  address,
    a magic number, and the TCP  sequence number + 1 into the  pending
    table.  It records this  information so that it can  recognize the
    first packet of the connection that contains data.  When the first
    data packet of the RSH  connection is passed by the  firewall, its
    entry in the pending table is replaced with a new one,  containing
    the source  IP address,  the error  port (extracted  from the  TCP
    payload), the destination IP  address, the same magic  number, and
    the IP  protocol.   Upon intercepting  the first  SYN for an error
    connection, the firewall checks  its parameters against the  entry
    in the pending table, and  adds the connection to the  connections

    An exploitable collision exists in  the use of the pending  table.
    If  we  provide  an  initial  sequence  number  of  five,  it   is
    incremented to six in the pending table -- identical to the  entry
    created by the  first-packet handling code.   Thus, by spoofing  a
    SYN from an intranet or DMZ machine with an ISN of five, with  the
    source port of  the host that  we wish to  access, the destination
    IP address of our attacking  machine, and the destination port  of
    the  RSH  service,  an  entry  is  added  to the connections table
    allowing us to connect from  our machine to the ``RSH  client'' on
    whatever port we specify.

    In version  4.1, the  problem is  not exploitable  due to the fact
    that the initial SYN packet  is not passed, as certain  additional
    flags are missing from our manufactured pending table entry.

    3.4 UDP Replies
    A  default  installation  of  FireWall-1  4.0  allows  DNS traffic
    between all hosts.  When combined with lax IP spoofing protection,
    this  rule  allows  us  to  spoof  UDP  datagrams  from the DMZ or
    intranet to our attacking  machine. If UDP responses  are allowed,
    we can reply to those packets -- in effect allowing us to talk  to
    any UDP service behind the firewall.

    Our demonstration consisted of  an attack against the  SNMP daemon
    on  the  target  Solaris  2.6  machine.   Using  the ``tun'' tool,
    authors  sent  an  FWZ  encapsulated  datagram  to  the   external
    interface of the firewall,  which upon decapsulation, appeared  to
    originate from the SNMP  service on the internal  victim, destined
    for our attacking host's port 53/udp.

    This allowed us to respond  to our ``DNS request'' with  arbitrary
    packets destined for the target's  port 161/udp.  It would  follow
    that our  source port  should be  53/udp, but  this isn't actually
    necessary because of the way UDP replies are implemented.


    As mentioned above, FWZ encapsulation can be used to send  packets
    through the  firewall that  would otherwise  be unroutable.   This
    includes packets destined to addresses  behind NAT or on RFC  1918
    private  networks.    For   instance,  in   FireWall-1's   default
    configuration, an attacker can access DNS servers in the  intranet
    or DMZ directly, due  to the ``allow all  port 53'' rule.   If the
    ICMP  ``allow  all''  rule  is  enabled,  an  attacker can map any
    intranet or DMZ subnets.

    NAT  and  non-routable  addresses  do  not necessarily provide any
    inherent  security.   While  FWZ  encapsulation  is  specific   to
    FireWall-1,  similar   attacks  using   other  VPN   encapsulation
    techniques  may  be  more  widely  applicable -- GRE, IP protocols
    reserved for IPsec, and even IPv6 tunnelling in IPv4.

    A few simple rules of thumb:

        1. Be sure to run the latest version of FireWall-1 possible.
        2. Disable   implicit  rules,   including  those   for    DNS,
           administrative control connections, and ICMP.
        3. Be as specific as possible in defining rules -- no  ``any''
           source  or  destination  IP  addresses,  deny  multicast  /
           broadcast addresses, etc.
        4. Enable IP spoofing protection on all interfaces.
        5. Pre-filter  IP protocol  94 (e.g.  with IP  Filter or  some
           other mechanism).
        6. Separate virtual IP addresses for public services.
        7. Use only FWA1 authentication for now.

    Check Point released patches  to address these problems.   Current
    service packs, hotfixes, and alerts are available at:

    Several of the referenced vulnerabilities rely on manually editing
    the  file  to  weaken  authentication.   This kind of
    reconfiguration is  not and  has never  been recommended  by Check
    Point.   Specifically,  Check  Point  does  not  recommend   using
    "  */none"  in; and  FWN1 is not  supported,
    documented, or recommended as an alternative to the standard  FW-1
    inter-module authentication and  encryption mechanisms (S/Key  and
    FWA1 are supported, and FWA1 is strongly recommended).

    Check Point  has released  service packs  VPN-1/FireWall-1 4.0 SP7
    and  VPN-1/FireWall-1  4.1  SP2  that  eliminate  each  of   these
    vulnerabilities.   For  VPN-1  Appliances  (IPSO)  running version
    4.0, the service pack is version 4.0 SP5 Hotfix.