CheckPoint Firewall-1


    Systems running CheckPoint Firewall-1


    This  vulnerability  in  Firewall-1   has  been  made  public   by
    CheckPoint.  Most of this  information is taken verbatim from  the
    CheckPoint web page on this issue. You can find this page at:

    If you use one of several reserved keywords to represent any  user
    defined object in a rule  the default definition of "ANY"  will be
    used  instead.   This  behavior  may  grant  (or deny) access to a
    greater number of addresses or services than expected.

    The following keywords  should not be  used to represent  any user
    defined object in a FireWall-1 installation:

        Short,  Long,  Account,  Alert,  SnmpTrap,  Mail, UserDefined,
        spoof,  spoofalert,   Auth,  AuthAlert,   Duplicate   basewin,
        serviceswin, netobjwin, viewwin, users, resources, time, true,
        false, last, first, status_alert, fwalert

    If any of these keywords are used to represent either a network or
    a service object and are  subsequently used in a security  policy,
    FireWall-1 will  interpret the  object definition  as "undefined".
    If no  other object  is used  either in  the source/destination or
    service field of the rule, then the default address definition  of
    "ANY" is used  for that particular  field.  Note  that in practice
    only objects in the "tracking" menu of type "alert" seem to behave
    this way. Objects such as "Long", of type "log", do not show  this

    Example might be if you have  a rule that allows SMTP access  to a
    machine called  "Mail" on  your DMZ  you are  actually giving SMTP
    access to any machines behind the firewall.


    If any of these keywords are defined as network objects or service
    objects and used in a rule base, then the object should be renamed
    and the security policy reloaded.  Mechanisms are being built into
    future releases of FireWall-1  to prevent using these  keywords as
    user defined objects.

    A  List  of  Characters  and  Reserved  Words  Forbidden to Use in
    FireWall-1 Objects Definition.  You should definitely avoid  using
    the  following  characters  and  reserved  words within FireWall-1
    objects definition (i.e., Network Objects, Users, Groups etc.):

    Illegal characters:
        String contains ' ' (space)
        String contains '+'
        String contains '*'
        String contains '?'
        String contains '('
        String contains ')'
        String contains '{'
        String contains '}'
        String contains '['
        String contains ']'
        String contains '!'
        String contains '#'
        String contains '<'
        String contains '>'
        String contains '='
        String contains ',' (comma)
        String contains ':' (colon)
        String contains ';' (semicolon)
        String contains ''' (quote)
        String contains '`' (back quote)
        String contains '"' (double quote)
        String contains '/' (slash)
        String contains '\' (back slash)
        String contains '\t' (tab)

    INSPECT reserved words:
        "accept"  "expcall"  "hosts"   "modify"  "pass"  "set"   "and"
        "expires"  "if"   "navy  blue"   "r_arg"  "skippeer"   "black"
        "firebrick"   "ifaddr"   "netof"    "r_cdir"   "src"    "blue"
        "foreground"  "ifid"  "nets"  "r_cflags" "static" "broadcasts"
        "forest green" "in" "nexpires" "r_ckey" "sync" "call" "format"
        "inbound"   "not"   "r_connarg"   "targets"   "date"    "from"
        "interface" "or"  "r_ctype" "to"  "day" "fwline"  "interfaces"
        "orange"  "r_entry"  "tod"  "define"  "fwrule"  "ipsecmethods"
        "origdport"   "r_proxy_action"   "ufp"   "delete"   "gateways"
        "ipsecdata"  "origdst"  "r_tab_status"  "vanish"   "direction"
        "get" "kbuf"  "origsport" "r_xlate"  "wasskipped" "do"  "gold"
        "keep" "origsrc"  "record" "xlatedport"  "domains" "gray  101"
        "limit"  "other"   "red"  "xlatedst"   "drop"  "green"   "log"
        "outbound"  "refresh"  "xlatesport"  "dst"  "hold"   "magenta"
        "packet" "reject"  "xlatesrc" "dynamic"  "host" "medium  slate
        blue" "packetid" "routers" "xor"

    Scoped reserved words:

    Colors reserved words:
        "dark green"
        "dark orchid"
        "forest green"
        "gray 101"
        "medium slate blue"
        "navy blue"