

    Those using Firewall-1, VPN-1, FloodGate-1


    Lance  Spitzner  posted  following.   He  stumbled across a simple
    Denial of  Service attack  for FW-1,  many of  you may  already be
    aware of this.  You  can effectively shutdown FW-1 by  filling its
    connections table.  This is  easily done in about 15  minutes with
    most port scanners.  When FW-1's state connections table is  full,
    it  can  no  longer  accept  any more connections (usually between
    25,000-35,000 connections,  depending on  your system).   You  can
    increase  this  number  by  increasing  kernel memory for the FW-1
    module and  hacking ../lib/table.def).   However, a  port  scanner
    can build that many connections in a manner of minutes.

    FW-1 tears down a connection whenever it sees a FIN or RST packet.
    However,  if  you  scan  a  system  that  does  not  exist, the FW
    builds a connection  in its table  for every new  packet, but will
    never see  a FIN  or RST  because there  is no  system to respond.
    The default  TCP timeout  time on  FW-1 is  3600 seconds.   So all
    these  new  connections  that  are  genereated  will sit in FW-1's
    connections table for an hour.  You should now understand how easy
    it is to fill the connections table.

    Any  malicious  black-hat  or  disgruntled  employee can fill your
    connections table.  Many  organiztion allow all outbound  traffic.
    Someone can simply  scan a non-existant  target outbound and  fill
    the connections table.  They even  can be sneaky about it and  use
    nmap with  the'-D' option,  so someone  else gets  blamed for  the
    scanning activity.

    Lance Spitzner added following.  Everything that follows about  it
    it is documented in detail at

    When you start a TCP connection, you send a SYN packet.  When FW-1
    filters this packet,  it checks it  against the rule  base, if the
    session is allowed,  it is added  to the connections  table with a
    timeout  of  60  seconds.   When  the  remote  host  responds, the
    session is bumped up to a 3600 second timeout.  Now, if you  start
    a connection with  an ACK packet,  the FW compares  it against the
    rule  base,  if  allowed  it  is  added  to the connections table.
    However, the timeout is set to  3600 seconds and does not care  if
    a remote system responds.   You now have a  session with a 1  hour
    timeout, even though no system responded.  Now, do this with  alot
    of  ACK  packets,  and  you  have  full  connections  table.  Most
    companies allow http outbound.   Run this command as root  from an
    internal system, I give your FW  about 10 to 15 minutes.   If your
    internal network is a 10.x.x.x, try 172.16.*.*

        nmap -sP 10.*.*.*

    nmap is a very powerful port  scanner.  With this command it  does
    only a  PING and  TCP sweep  (default port  80), but  uses an  ACK
    instead  of  a  SYN.   To  verify  that  your connections table is
    quickly  growing,  try  "fw  tab  -t  connections -s" at 10 second
    intervals (tested on ver 4.0 SP3 on Solaris x86 2.6).

    David Taylor  seen this  also in  a Floodgate-1  machine that  was
    positioned  outside  the  firewall.   Flodgate-1  is  Checkpoint's
    bandwidth  management  solution  which  presumably  uses  the same
    state engine.


    Check Point  has developed  INSPECT code  changes that  provides a
    solution for this type of attack.  This code change enables  Check
    Point gateways to drop  non-first TCP packets instead  of matching
    the rule  base.   It should  be noted  that this  INSPECT fix will
    cause a change of behavior  from the existing Check Point  gateway
    behavior in the following  way: following a reboot,  policy unload
    or  stopping  the  firewall,  all  active  TCP connections will be
    blocked,  and   that  any   timed  out   TCP  connections   (i.e.,
    connections that have been  inactive longer than the  TCP timeout)
    will  be  disconnected.   The  ability  for  FireWall-1/VPN-1   to
    maintain connections after policy  reload will not be  affected by
    this  change.   For  those  with  UNMODIFIED   $FWDIR/lib/code.def
    files, you can go to the  Check Point web site and download  Check
    Point updated files:

    Another option is to edit  the code.def files as described  below.
    The following INSPECT  code (between the  two lines starting  with
    "-----") should be added  to the $FWDIR/lib/code.def file  (at the
    end of the file, just before the #endif statement).  NOTE: if  you
    are managing V3.0 modules,  using the 4.0 backwards  compatibility
    feature,  please  make  the  changes  to  the  V3.0  code.def file
    (located  in  $FWDIR/lib30),  as  described  in  the  "Check Point
    3.0-based Installations".   After completing the  edit, re-install
    the security policy.  For 4.0-based installations, this code  will
    also log these events.

    ----- 4.0 edit follows -----
                    tcp, first or <conn> in old_connections or


                            <ip_p,src,dst,sport,dport,0> in logged
                    ) or

                            record <ip_p,src,dst,sport,dport,0> in logged,
                            set sr10 12, set sr11 0, set sr12 0, set sr1 0,
                            log bad_conn
                    ) or 1,
    ----- End of 4.0 insert -----

    Check Point 3.0-based Installations.   The following INSPECT  code
    (between the two lines starting  with "-----") should be added  to
    the $FWDIR/lib/code.def file (at the end of the file, just  before
    the #endif statement).  After completing the edit, re-install  the
    security policy.

    ----- 3.0 edit follows -----
            tcp, first or <conn> in old_connections or vanish;
    ----- End of 3.0 insert -----