

    Gnutella users


    Seth  McGann  (Team  RAZOR)  found  following.   Remember the game
    telephone?   Yeah, you  know...someone whispers  something to you,
    and you're __supposed__  to whisper that  to someone else,  and so
    on and so on?  And the guy  at the end of the chain got a  whisper
    that sounded nothing  like the original  whisper.  Well,  Gnutella
    is similar in many ways.

    Gnutella is a protocol  recently re-released after a  brief period
    with  no  official  home.   Now  at  a  new  domain and back under
    official development,  Gnutella is  poised to  revolutionize media
    distribution.  Along with its new method of media distribution  it
    provides  some  interesting  routes  for  abuse.   In light of the
    "ILOVEYOU" worm, and general rekindling of public interest in worm
    design, here is another potential vector that may soon be used  by
    to distribute malicious content.

    Protocol overview:

        Alice:   A user searching for a file.
        Bob:     A user who has the file Alice wants.
       Carl:     A user who has the file Alice wants (behind firewall).
    Mallory:     A malicious user.

    The key  component of  Gnutella is  a piece  of software  dubbed a
    "servent" by the designers.   This servent both accepts and  sends
    Gnutella messages.   When a  user wants  to join  the network,  he
    picks a few known hosts from a seed list provided by the  Gnutella
    web  site  and  connects.   The  user  could also create a private
    Gnutella  network  with  no  exterior  connections  (remember   no
    centralization).  All that is  needed for this subset to  become a
    part of the larger public GnutellaNet is a single connection:

        A --> (GnutellaNet) <-- B <-- | Firewall | <-- C <-- (Other Servents)

    Each  servent  has  a  unique  128-bit  identifier that is used to
    determine which packets should  be forwarded.  Discovery  of hosts
    is done  both actively  and passively.   Passive discovery  occurs
    when  Alice  recovers  hosts  from  the  packets  she  is routing.
    Active  discovery  occurs  when  Alice  sends out a "ping" packet.
    This ping elicits a "pong"  containing the IP address and  port of
    every  servent  that  receives  it.   Searching  for  content   is
    conducted as follows:

        (1) Alice generates a "query"  packet and forwards to all  her
        (2) Each recipient searches its local database, decrements TTL
            and forwards to each of its connection.
        (3) Bob receives the packet, and replies with a  "query-reply"
            containing his IP address and port.
        (4) These  packets are  forwarded back  along the  search path
            eventually returning to Alice.
        (5) On receipt of the  response, Alice attempts to initiate  a
            direct connection with Bob and transfer the file.
        (6) In  the  event  that  she  cannot connect for some  reason
            (perhaps   Carl   has   the   file   instead   of  Bob)  a
            "push-request" containing Alice's  IP address and  port is
            sent by Alice.
        (7) On receipt of this packet, Carl will attempt to create  an
            outbound  connection  to  Alice  to  transfer  the   file,
            circumventing the firewall.

    For further information on the protocol see the Gnutella homepage,
    but this should be sufficient to understand the following attacks.

    Self Replicating Servents
    The most significant problem is that there is no way to verify the
    source or contents of a  message.  A particularly nasty  attack is
    for Mallory  (a servent  attached to  GnutellaNet in  an arbitrary
    location) to simply  respond to all  query packets.   This results
    spoofing attack is a known issue covered in the Knowbuddy FAQ  and
    is conducted as follows:

        (1) Alice generates a query packet and forwards.
        (2) Mallory receives one of these packets and responds with  a
        (3) If Alice decides to pick the reply provided by Mallory she
            will receive potentially malicious content.

    This content  could be  an executable  containing a  trojan horse,
    such as BO2K.  A more sinister payload would be to create a trojan
    that when  executed attaches  to the  GnutellaNet.   Once attached
    to the net, it would respond to all queries and provide itself  as
    the content. To  increase the probability  of Alice executing  the
    file, it  would be  renamed to  something containing  the original
    query.  For  instance, a search  for "crack" would  elicit a reply
    of  "".   Other  extensions  could  also  be used besides
    ".zip" and ".exe".   A Winamp ".pls"  file exploiting an  overflow
    in Winamp could  be used for  example. With source  code available
    for both  Windows and  *nix servents,  creating a self-propagating
    servent  is  trivial.   The  worm  could  even update itself using
    GnutellaNet to distribute  signed updates in  a manner similar  to
    the "wormnet" described in Michael Zalewski's in:

    What is disturbing here  is the combination of  low accountability
    and trust of  the individual servents.   In a web,  ftp, or  email
    transaction if  malicious content  is discovered  on a  server the
    administrator  can  be  notified.   On  Napster,  if  a  user   is
    distributing malicious content, his  account can be disabled.   If
    removal was  not possible,  at the  very least  a warning could be
    posted regarding a particular site or Napster user.  With Gnutella
    anyone can  attach to  the network  and provide  malicious content
    tailored to specific search requests with relatively small  chance
    of  detection.   The  IP  address  of  each  transaction  could be
    recorded,  as  Zeropaid  has  done  with  their  listing of people
    attempting to  retrieve child  pornography.   The official servent
    does not display IP addresses.   In addition, Mallory only has  to
    infect  one  host  and  the  infection  will spread automatically.
    Once victims begin  executing the content  the GnutellaNet can  be
    used  to  mask  the  interactions  with  the  victims.   In   most
    traditional  backdoors,  a  direct  connection is required between
    the attacker and the victim.  With Gnutella, no direct  connection
    is needed for a bi-directional channel.

    The  most  obvious  covert  channel  for  controlling  these rogue
    servents is already  being used to  allow chatting among  Gnutella

        (1) Alice and  Bob both turn  on their search  monitors (which
            display all the queries passing through them.
        (2) When Alice wants to talk she searches for the chat message
            ("Hi Bob!").
        (3) Bob will see  this query appear in  his monitor.  He  then
            searches for the reply ("Hi Alice").

    Another stealthier channel is the 128-bit GUID.  This would  allow
    relatively undetectable  signaling between  Mallory and  her rouge
    servents.  There  are several other  fields available but  queries
    and GUIDs are the most significant.

    Man in the Middle Attacks
    There are two flavors of man in the middle attacks.  For these  to
    work, Mallory  has to  be in  the path  between Alice  and Bob (or
    Carl).  The first attack goes as follows:

        (1) Alice generates a query packet and Bob responds.
        (2) Mallory  receives  one  of  these query-reply packets  and
            rewrites it with her IP address and port instead of Bob's.
        (3) Alice receives Mallory's reply first.
        (4) Alice  decides  to  download  the content but connects  to
            Mallory instead of Bob.
        (5) Mallory downloads the  original content from Bob,  infects
            it and passes on to Alice.

    The second attack relies on push-request interception:

        (1) Alice generates a query packet and Carl responds.
        (2) Alice attempts to connect  but Carl is firewalled, so  she
            generates a push-request.
        (3) Mallory intercepts the  push-request and resends with  her
            IP address and port.
        (4) Carl connects to Mallory and transfers his content.
        (5) Mallory  connects  to  Alice  and  provides  the  modified

    Gnutella Port Scanner
    If  Mallory  wants  to  check  what  ports  on  a  given  host are
    accessible she can perform the following steps:

        (1) Alice sends a query and Bob responds with a query-reply.
        (2) Mallory rewrites the query-reply passing through to  point
            at the IP address and port to be scanned.
        (3) Since most  likely the port  is not listening,  Alice will
            generate a push-request.
        (4) If the port happens to be listening and is not running the
            Gnutella service, no push-request will be generated.
        (5) Mallory repeats the process several times to make sure she
            has an accurate determination of the port's state.

    Using  this  procedure  a  network  can  be  slowly  scanned using
    servents.   This  process  will  generate  a significant amount of
    noise, which can be used to decoy another attack.  Another way  to
    generate Gnutella noise is for  Mallory to send pong packets  with
    the IP  address of  hosts she  wants others  to attempt to connect
    to.  Each servent receiving her  pong will add these to its  table
    of potential hosts.  As  servents exhaust their host tables  these
    entries   will   be   tried   eventually   resulting  in  spurious
    connections to a given network.


    Gnutella  is  gaining  popularity  quickly  and  has  already been
    featured  in  several  mass  media  outlets.   As it stands now it
    provides  an   almost  ideal   environment  for   the  spread   of
    self-replicating  malicious  agents  with  the additional bonus of
    providing anonymous control.  With full source available,  parties
    previously unable to craft a worm  of their own now have a  robust
    framework to build on.  DON'T USE IT.