Novell GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack Web Access
Adam Gray found following. There is a DOS attack that can be run
against Novell GroupWise Web Access 5.5 Enhancement Pack. The
Java Server is possible to crash with a long character string sent
to the servlet gateway using a web browser. This DOS can cause
the Netscape web server to abend, the Java.nlm to take all of the
processor utilization, or the post office can simple stop
responding. This DOS attack will kill any active GroupWise based
connections to the GroupWise server. The server typically
requires a reboot to fix the problem. This bug has been confirmed
by Novell with instruction from novacoast. Exploit:
http://servername/servlet/<garbage string of characters 200 or more>
GroupWise Enhancement Pack 5.5 Sp1. This patch is still in beta.
It should be released in the next few weeks. It can be obtained
by contacting Novell Technical Support.