Hotmail/MS Instant Messenger
Hotmail/MS Instant Messenger
James Nelson found following. If you use a Hotmail account to log
in to Instant Messenger, and your Hotmail account gets cancelled,
your contact (or 'buddy') list does not get cleaned. If another
person creates a Hotmail account using that name, they will have
access to your contact list, and will show up on any contact list
you're a part of.
User A creates Hotmail account, and uses it
to log into Instant Messenger. User A adds a bunch of contacts,
for instance, or
If User A does not login to the superman mailbox for some months
(could not find the exact period of time on Hotmail's web site),
it will be automatically cancelled. However, the contacts list
lives on.
Let's suppose that right about that time User B decides would be a cool address, and creates it. If
User B installs Instant Messenger, the contacts list will already
be populated with User A's friends. Not only that, but User B
will now appear on any person who had added User A to their
contact list.
Granted that User B will probably choose a different display name,
but since those can be arbitrarily changed, User A's friend's may
not think anything is amiss.
This very thing has happened twice to James---the first time, he
was using IM constantly, Hotmail cancelled my account because
(apparently) an Instant Messenger login doesn't reset the Hotmail
inactivity counter. He asked to have jis password reset, and he
was told his account never existed. So, thinking it was a glitch,
he recreated his account (same name). Imagine surprise when James
contacts were already there!
The second time James simply did not use another account, for
Hotmail or IM. One day someone unknown appeared in his contacts
list. Turned out that someone had registered that (by then
cancelled) account, and had inherited his contacts list.
Credits to Dmitri Alperovitch who did a quick audit of Instant
Messenger when it came out, and pointed out that impersonation
might be an issue.
Microsoft has been notified through their IM feedback page. No
response, yet, other than the automated one.