

    SecureIIS 1.0.3


    ASLabs (namely C-3P0  and R2-D2) found  some problems with  eEye's
    SecureIIS.  SecureIIS protects Microsoft IIS (Internet Information
    Services) Web servers from  known and unknown attacks.   SecureIIS
    wraps  around  IIS  and  works  within it, verifying and analyzing
    incoming and outgoing  Web server data  for any possible  security
    breaches.  It  combines the best  features of Intrusion  Detection
    Systems and Conventional  Network Firewalls all  into one, and  it
    is custom tailored to your Web server.

    Keyword checking
    SecureIIS  promises  "By  checking  for common attacker "payloads"
    involved  with  these  exploits,  we  can prevent an attacker from
    gaining unauthorized  access to  your Web  server and  its data.".
    However,  SecureIIS  fails  to  decode  escaped  characters in the
    query part of the request.  Thus, "ADMIN" will be detected in  the
    query, but not "%41DMIN". The  body part of the (POST)  request is
    not checked at all.  For example, the following requests will  not
    be rejected by SecureIIS (assuming whatever.script is some  script
    validly  accessible  on  the  server,  and  suppose  the  user  of
    SecureIIS does  not want  the script  to receive  ADMIN as a value
    for any script parameter, so  ADMIN is configured as a  keyword in

        GET /whatever.script?user=%41DMIN HTTP/1.0

        POST /whatever.script HTTP/1.0
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Content-Length: 10


    Directory traversal
    SecureIIS promises "In certain situations, various characters  and
    symbols  can  be  used  to  break  out  of  the  Web server's root
    directory and access  files on the  rest of the  file system.   By
    checking  for   these  characters   and  only   allowing   certain
    directories  to  be  accessed,  directory  traversal  attacks  are
    prevented.".   Similar  to  section  #1,  directory  traversal  is
    checked at the query  without decoding of escaped  characters, and
    is not checked at all in the body part of a (POST) request. It  is
    possible, therefore, to  use %2e instead  of dot, and  %2f instead
    of  slash,  thus  enabling  an  attacker  to  perform  a directory
    traversal attack.   For example, the  following requests will  not
    be rejected by SecureIIS (assuming whatever.script is some  script
    validly accessible on the server, and it handles a parameter named
    page whose value may be vulnerable to directory traversal attack):

        GET /whatever.script?file=/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/boot.ini HTTP/1.0

        POST /whatever.script HTTP/1.0
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Content-Length: 20


    Buffer Overflows
    For  HTTP  headers,  SecureIIS  promises  (from explanation box in
    SecureIIS GUI for  the Buffer Overflows  item): "Many web  servers
    have had  problems with  handling request-header  variables in the
    past.  By  checking the length  of these variables  we can prevent
    many potential buffer overflows. In this section each variable  is
    listed with  a numeric  entry specifying  the maximum  size of the
    buffer that  we will  accept for  that particular  variable.  If a
    client sends a variable value with a length greater than specified
    in SecureIIS, the request will  be denied and the attempt  will be
    logged.".  Not so!  - although the user  of SecureIIS can turn  on
    HTTP length restriction for each of the ten or so individual  HTTP
    headers -  in fact  SecureIIS does  not perform  any header length
    restriction for  them.   It does  perform the  check for  the URL,
    query and "header length" (meaning - total length of all headers).
    For example, turning on Host  protection (with a default limit  of
    256 bytes) and sending more than  256 bytes in a host header  goes
    through SecureIIS and is not rejected:

        GET / HTTP/1.0
        Host: [500 x random a-z charachers]


    To download the latest  version of SecureIIS (v.1.0.4)  then visit
    the SecureIIS website at:

    They  have  updated  SecureIIS  to  properly  handle  various  web
    encoding methods  including unicode  and hex  (%) style  encoding.
    They have also  updated SecureIIS to  perform keyword checking  on
    POST data.

    eEye enabled individual header length checking in SecureIIS 1.0.4.