IPSwitch IMail server 6.0.5
Sakai Yoriyuki found following. He found a kind of DoS to handle
SMTP AUTH command in IPSwitch IMail server version 6.0.5.
IPSwitch ships a product titled IMail, an email server for usage
on NT servers serving SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, LDAP etc. It supports
SMTP AUTH commands (RFC2554) and several authenticate methods to
relay/accept e-mail.
Sakai put passwords over 80 bytes and less than 136 bytes in
BASE64 format, the smtp server of IMail stop to response. No new
SMTP sessions are able to created from local and remote. In this
case, the length of password made a problem, no value matters.
Example of issue:
HELO myhost
250 hello target
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 (Put BASE64ed user name)
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
(Put BASE64ed user password over 80 bytes and less than 136 bytes; the length of password is proximal.)
(The connection is disconnected.)
When we put over about 136 bytes for password, the server responds
the status of "552"(command exceeds maximum length) and continue
to work. If the length of password is less than 80 bytes, it
works normally.
This bug is both remotely and locally exploitable. Tested version
of IMail are 6 Gold (Japanese; No minor version is available) and
6.0.5 (English) on Windows NT 4.0 Server SP6a (Japanese/English),
Windows 2000 Server (No SPs) (Japanese/English) and Windows 2000
Server SP1 (Japanese/English).
How to adapt patch(s) for IMail 6.x:
SMTPd32, POP3d32 and IMAP4d32 Patch for IMail Server 6.05: