Java / Netscape / MSIE Cache Exploit


    Systems using those programs


    It  is  possible  to  exploit  weaknesses in Netscape Navigator 3,
    Netscape Communicator  4, and  Microsoft Internet  Explorer 3.0  &
    3.01 Java implementations to  gain access to information  from the
    client  machine  which  would  normally  be  considered  'secure'.
    Specifically, in the case of Netscape products, it is possible  to
    determine the IP  address and local  hostname even if  the machine
    is behind  a firewall.  Because of  a lazy  implementation of  the class  by Microsoft,  this is  not possible  on MSIE, but
    they more than make up for this by allowing the exploit to go  one
    stage further and enable a local  scan of all ports on the  client
    machine, as well  as a direct  connection between any  port on the
    client machine and any other machine on the Internet, again,  even
    if the client machine is 'safely' behind a firewall.

    The following  people have  contributed directly  or indirectly to
    this exploit:

        Scott Clark -  The programmer who  wrote the 'welcome'  applet
        User.class. This guy's applet inspired this work,

        Digartz who host Scott's applet,

        Paul  Dawson  of  A.L.  Digital  Ltd., who spotted the applet,
        and, more importantly, realised it's potential...

        A.L.  Digital  for  sponsoring  this  kind  of  work,  lending
        technical resources, and liaising with software vendors,

        Authors Major Malfunction, who spent many nights slaving  over
        a hot cache, and Ben Laurie, who is the ultimate code warrior.

    More information can be obtained if you browse at:

    This text  is part  of text  from address  above.   Browse and try
    exploit on your own skin.  And now, some more details.

    Netscape actually get off pretty  lightly... All we can do  is log
    the real identity  of a client  machine, despite most  precautions
    they might  take to  prevent us  from doing  so... Devices such as
    firewalls, proxies,  SOCKS hosts  etc. all  succumb easily  to the
    call  of  the  Java  siren...  Even  the mighty anonymizer retires
    after the first round, nose bleeding and ego bruised. To  complete
    this recipe, we take  one call to InetAddress.getLocalHost(),  mix
    it   with   a   call   to   AppletContext.showDocument(),    shake
    vigourously, light the blue touch paper, stand well back and...

    Let's see how MSIE stands. The  object of the exercise here is  to
    open a connection to  a port on the  local machine, and provide  a
    two-way pipe  back to  a remote  machine on  the Internet. This is
    achieved by using the Java  net.socket class to talk to  the local
    machine,  and  the  showDocument()  thingy  for  the  remote. This
    exploit  relies  on  the  fact  that Java behaves differently when
    loaded  across  the  'net,  to  a  load from local hard disk. When
    loaded  across  the  'net,  the  applet  is  not allowed to open a
    network socket to  anything other than  the server that  delivered
    it in  the first  place (see
    for  details).   This  is  enforced  by  the  centralised security
    manager class. However, if the  applet is loaded from local  disk,
    this limitation is relaxed, allowing a socket to be opened on  the
    browsing  machine.  Note  that  it  would appear to be Microsoft's
    intention to  treat locally  loaded Java  in the  same way as 'net
    loaded Java (that  is, both are  'untrusted'), although Sun  treat
    them  differently.   However,  Microsoft's  manuals  are  far from
    clear on this point, and certainly, in practise, they are not  the

    So, in order to avoid the security manager, we must load the class
    file  from  hard  disk.  To  do  this,  we must put the class file
    somewhere  on  the  browser's  local  disk.  Class  files are only
    allowed  to  be  loaded  from  certain  places:  the  server  that
    delivered the applet,  the default library  (can be more  than one
    directory,  as  defined  by  the  CLASSPATH environment variable),
    and, if the  calling HTML is  loaded from disk,  the directory the
    HTML was loaded from. In the usual run of things, it would not  be
    possible to put the class file in any of these places (bearing  in
    mind that it must be on  hard disk, not on the server)  as applets
    (and web pages generally) are  not allowed to write to  local disk

    Here,  our  heroes  Microsoft  step  in...  They have thoughtfully
    arranged for  the class  file and  HTML to  be conveniently stored
    for us in the same  place: the cache. Unlike Netscape,  they store
    these files  with their  original names  (this is  important, as a
    Java class  will only  run if  it is  correctly named).  They have
    made some feeble attempts to hide  the files from you, but if  you
    squint  a  bit  you  can  see  them.  By  default,  they  are   in
    'C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Cache1, 2,  3 & 4'. The  four
    subdirectories,  cache1-4,  have  been  marked  hidden  with   the
    standard file attributes facility,  and MSIE has been  crippled so
    you  cannot  browse  them.  Sadly  (or  happily, depending on your
    viewpoint), they have neglected to cripple references from  within
    another HTML document.  It is therefore  very easy to  construct a
    URL  that  loads  files  directly  from  the local hard disk cache
    (this  is  nothing  new...   cache  browsing  utilities  have been
    around  for  ages).   Having  done  so,  the  applet  will load in
    'semi-trusted' mode, and your computer is my oyster...


    So far, Netscape  have not made  an official response,  and appear
    not  to   consider  this   problem  to   actually  be   a  problem

    Microsoft said: "This problem only affects users who use the  same
    machine  to  run  network  services,  such  as  a mail server, and
    execute applets from  unknown sources on  the Internet. This  will
    not  affect  users  who  run   mail  clients  or  network   client
    applications only.  Microsoft encourages users to be careful  when
    accessing  executable  code  of  any  form  over the Internet, and
    advises caution when running  network services on a  machine which
    is used  to browse  applets from  untrusted sources.  The fix  for
    this problem is now available at:"

    The following updated class files provide a complete fix for  this
    problem. Users who run network facilities on a client machine  and
    who  are  concerned  about  this  issue  should  download   either
    classr.exe or classd.exe, and  chose 'Save As', rather  than Open.
    Classr.exe is a  smaller download (1.17MB)  for runtime use  only.
    Classd.exe  is  a  larger  download  (2.98MB) which includes debug
    information and certain sources useful to developers.

    Once the files are downloaded  and saved to the local  disk, close
    down  the  Internet  Explorer  and  run  the  downloaded  files to
    install the new classes.