JRun 3.0
Following is based on a Foundstone Security Advisory by Shreeraj
Shah, Saumil Shah and Stuart McClure. A denial of service
vulnerability exists within the Allaire JRun 3.0 web application
server which allows an attacker to bring down the JRun application
server engine.
JRun3.0 is a Java application server, supporting Java Server
Pages, Java servlets and other Java related technologies. The
/servlet URL prefix is mapped as a handler for invoking servlets.
Servlets are stored in a hierarchical manner and are accessed via
a naming convention of the type:
<dir>.<dir>. ... <dir>.<servlet>
Hence if a servlet called test is stored under com/site/test, it
is invoked by the URL:
If a large string of dots is placed after the /servlet/ URL
prefix, such as:
http://site.running.jrun/servlet/................ (hundreds of "."s)
it gets interpreted as a very large tree of non-existent
directories when looking for the servlet. This causes the JRun
server engine to temporarily consume system resources at a high
priority, and brings about a temporary denial of services for the
JRun server engine. Other services do not get affected.
If many such URL requests are made, the JRun server engine
(specifically the javaw process) does not recover. All other JRun
dependent requests get denied.
Follow the recommendations given in Allaire Security Bulletin
ASB00-30, available at: