

    Reliant Unix 5.43 / 5.44


    Andrea Barisani found following.  Sending an icmp port unreachable
    error to a RU  cause an immediate drop  of all the connections  in
    progress between the  server and the  icmp-sender host, of  course
    spoofing the icmp address originator cause the drop of connections
    between an arbitrary host.

    Andrea Barisani added following.  Just connect from a host to  the
    box via  ftp, ssh  or telnet  and during  the connection send from
    your host an icmp  port unreachable (Type 3  code 3), you can  use
    tools like sing or icmpush, with sing the syntax is

        host# ./sing -du -x port-unreach reliantboxaddress

    If you want to spoof from another host do

        host1# ./sing -du -x port-unreach -S host reliantboxaddress

    Any  connections  beetween  host  and  reliantbox will be dropped.
    This has been tested this with three different RU server..


    Nothing yet.