Novell Directory Services (NDS)


    Novell Netware


    Following  is  based  on  a  Foghorn  Security Advisory.  A design
    weakness in NDS  as shipped with  Novell v5.0 and  later can allow
    certain users to bypass IRF's, and gain escalation of  privileges.
    Even in a well designed tree IRF's are sometimes needed to protect
    more sensitive objects.  This issue, if not carefully  considered,
    can  easily  render  IRF's   ineffective,  and  expose   sensitive

    In NDS, rights are assigned in three ways:

        - Rights to an object [Object Rights]
        - Rights to all properties of an object [All Properties Rights]
        - Rights to selected properties of an object [Selected Properties Rights]

    By  default,  rights  granted  at  one  level  of a directory tree
    automatically  flow  down  to  lower  levels  in  the  tree.  This
    inheritance of  rights can  be blocked  by using  Inherited Rights
    Filters [IRFs].   IRFs can be  set for any  of the three  types of
    rights mentioned above.

    In  previous  versions  of  NDS,  only  Object  Rights,  and   All
    Properties  Rights  could  be  inherited.   In Netware 5.0, Novell
    added the  ability to  make Selected  Property Rights inheritable.
    These rights are not blocked by IRFs set for Object Rights or  All
    Properties Rights.   They can only  be blocked by  the creation of
    an explicit IRF for each property you need to protect.

    Obviously,  this  is  unworkable  in  the  real  world.    Setting
    individual IRFs for  every property in  the schema is  tedious and
    prone to error,  and it is  extremely difficult to  anticipate all
    possible  exploits  for  all  properties.   Additionally,  if  the
    schema is extended, the new properties would be unprotected  until
    IRFs were updated.

    This also presents a problem for sites upgrading from Novell 4.11.
    If this issue is not addressed in the upgrade process, IRF's which
    were previously valid, could be rendered ineffective.

    Active exploitation of this  feature requires Write rights  to the
    Object Trustees ACL property of a container at or above the  level
    of the object being attacked.

    Here's an  example.   An administrator,  .BOB.ACME, has Supervisor
    [S]  rights  to  the  .ACME  container.   There  is  a  container,
    .SECRET.ACME, which BOB should not have any access to.

    Joe, .JOE.SECRET.ACME, is the administrator of .SECRET.ACME.   Joe
    has been  given S  rights to  SECRET, and  an IRF  has been put in
    place on SECRET blocking all Object Rights, and all All Properties
    Rights.   This scenario  is in  line with  standard practice,  and
    Novell's own documentation [See TID# 10011973] Unfortunately,  Bob
    can still gain full control of secret.

    1] Bob modifies  the trustees list  of .ACME granting  himself the
       Write  [W]  right  to  the  Object  Trustees  ACL  property and
       designates this right as inheritable.
    2] Since Selected Properties  Rights are not explictly  blocked by
       the IRF at .SECRET.ACME, Bob can now add himself to the trustee
       list of the SECRET container and obtain full privileges.

    In  addition  to  active  exploits,  this  issue  could  result in
    administrators  inadvertently  granting  rights  to  objects  they
    believe to be protected by  IRF's.  For instance, Help  Desk staff
    may  be  granted  password  reset  rights  by  granting   Selected
    Properties Rights at  a high level  in the tree,  and making those
    rights inheritable.   Those rights  can only  be blocked  with  an
    explicit Selected Properties IRF at the containers or objects  you
    need protected.

    William observed  that the  blocked admin  could not  even see the
    SECRET container,  and therefore  could not  assign himself rights
    to it.  Since the  admin's Object Browse right was  filtered, that
    would be  a correct  observation.   To gain  control of the SECRET
    container,  the  admin  would  need  to  know  the  name  of   the
    container, and  use a  third party  tool [i.e.  JRB Utilities]  to
    assign the rights.  Whether that mitigates the issue by making  it
    more obscure, or aggrevates it  by making it more insidious,  is a
    judgement left to the readers.

    We should clarify that [S]  rights are NOT needed to  exploit this
    issue.  The only right needed is the Write [W] right to the Object
    Trustees ACL  property of  any container  higher in  the tree than
    the object being attacked.


    It  is  impossible  to  anticipate  all  the  scenarios where this
    *feature*  could  be  exploited.   Administrators should carefully
    evaluate their  tree and  permission structures  with this problem
    in mind.  At a minimum, where IRFs are used to protect objects  or
    containers,  the  following  properties  should  be  protected  by
    explicit IRFs:

        Object Trustees [ACL]
        Security Equal to Me
        Password Required
        Password Management
        Incorrect Login Attempts

    There are  certainly others  that would  need to  be protected  as
    well.  Finding additional exploits is left as an exercise for  the
    reader.  [Hint: Audit Objects]

    [S]  rights  within  NDS  CAN  be  blocked  by  IRFs.   There  are
    circumstances  where  [S]  rights  to  the  FILESYSTEM  CANNOT  be
    blocked, but that is unrelated to this issue.

    The dangers of granting write property rights to ACLs is discussed
    extensively   in   the   training   materials   for  Novell's  CNA
    certification, their base level  of certification.  Novell  itself
    seems to  have missed  this issue.   It is  a bit  much to  expect
    someone with a base  level certification to understand  things the
    vendor itself has not yet grasped.

    This is not a  bug [close, but not  quite].  Novell's software  is
    functioning  as  designed.    The  ability  to  completely   block
    administrative access still exists, it is just much more difficult
    to achieve  than previously  thought.   Anyway you  look at it, it
    needs to be fixed.