Netgear ISDN RT34x router
Netgear ISDN RT34x, RH348 router (and possibly the Zyxel P128imh (same firmware))
Swift Griggs found following.
Door #1:
SYN scan the router with nmap. It'll deny all connections to
port 23 after that for about 5 minutes per packet. DoSing it
in this way is trivial. Of course spoofed packets work just
Door #2:
Telnet to it. Sit there. No one else can manage it, regardless
of if you have authenticated or not.
Door #3:
Send it tons of ICMP redirects, it'll stop routing packets at
all during the storm (which can be fairly light) and it'll
take about 30 seconds to recover. (try winfreeze.c)
Door #4:
Send it some contrived RIP packets with host routes for your
favorite people in the office set to loopback. The default is
to allow RIP-2B in both directions.
Mike Wade added following. He owns one of these
gimpy-so-called-routers and has found many bugs that are similar
to the ones you've mentioned. Generally, he found the TCP/IP
stack + NAT features to be of very low quality. Perhaps this is
to be expected at a low price point but their firmware is just
plain broken.
Bug #5:
Send a single UDP packet between 63000 - 65000 bytes to the
router from local or remote. This will lock the router up
between 15 - 30 seconds and sometimes reboot. Sending these
packets once about every 10 seconds is enough to keep the router
locked up forever. Perhaps this is a memory issue?
Bug #6:
Broken and sometimes legit IRC DCC and Real Audio/Video
('s trailers usually sends my router into endless
reboots) requests often cause the router to reboot when using
NAT. This is obviously just sad coding.
Bug #7:
Legit traffic is often dropped in NAT mode after >12 hours of
connection time (assumption the NAT tables leak). Open
connections are not affected, however no new connections will
be created. The only solution is to disconnect or reboot the
router. This might be related to poor timing out of UDP packets
such as DNS queries sitting stale in the NAT table.
Use an ACL in the router to deny access to everywhere but your
management station. Turn RIP off if you can, if not then try to
only broadcast RIP, not listen. These routers don't support any
other type of distance vector protocols, and fortunately they
don't do link state protocols at all (ie.. no redistribution of
bogus routes learned and trusted by any evil haxx0r on the