

    Netware 4.x


    Simple Nomad  (NMRC) found  following.   Due to  the fact that the
    Remote Console password encryption  scheme uses a weak  "salting",
    once  the  encrypted  password  is  recovered  from an NCF file an
    intruder could decrypt  the password.   The testing was  done with
    the following configuration:

        Netware 4.11
        Service Pack 5

    This was also confirmed on Netware 4.1.  The password for remotely
    accessing the Netware console is assigned as a parameter passed to
    the REMOTE.NLM. Typically this would be stored in the AUTOEXEC.NCF
    file as follows:


    In  the  above  example,  the  password  is  NMRC.  Although   the
    AUTOEXEC.NCF file is stored  in a protected directory  by default,
    there is concern that  any administrator editing the  AUTOEXEC.NCF
    file  via  Remote  Console  might  display  the  portion  of   the
    AUTOEXEC.NCF  file  with  the  password  (Remote  Console sessions
    travel over  the wire  in plaintext).   To address  this  concern,
    Novell allows for the creation of an encrypted password.

    It is created  by typing REMOTE  ENCRYPT at the  console (assuming
    you've already  loaded REMOTE.NLM).  After being  prompted for the
    password to encrypt, it is encrypted and displayed on the  screen,
    and you are given the option to create a file called  LDREMOTE.NCF
    in  the  SYS:SYSTEM  directory.   LDREMOTE.NCF  can be called from
    AUTOEXEC.NCF or the LOAD REMOTE line in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file  can
    be altered as follows:



        LOAD REMOTE -E 0A1360A501608836FB

    So far so good.  You now no longer have a plaintext password,  and
    it is stored  in a secure  location.  Let's  assume the worst  - a
    potential intruder  obtains the  encrypted password  by sniffing a
    Remote Console session in which the file containing the  encrypted
    password is viewed  by the administrator,  or by using  an exploit
    ( is an older example
    that  could  be  adapted  for  this  purpose, or perhaps using the
    INTRUDER tool  from Pandora,  available from  the NMRC  web site).
    Once the intruder has the encrypted password it can be  decrypted,
    due to the fact that there  is no server-specific salt.  The  salt
    is stored in the  last two characters -  in the above example  the
    salt is stored in FB (the actual  salt is FF XORed with FB).   The
    salt is the seconds that have passed since some early date in  the
    past, and  yields a  possible 256  salts. Since  these are tied to
    time and not the server  itself, the salt is non-system  specific.
    Decrypting  the  password  does  not  require another check of the
    time - the salt is simply read in and used during decryption.

    A 4  character password  called NMRC  gets 5  bytes added and this
    would become: 0A1360A501608836FB while a password of NMRC.ORG with
    the  5  bytes  added  becomes:  F9AEBF1C381855A5FFAA7FAD2D.   This
    implies a symmetric  algorithm with those  5 bytes containing  key
    and salting data. A plaintext  attack will be done at  our leisure
    (mainly for fun), but  there is a much  easier way to decrypt  it.
    To decrypt, the intruder must  have console access to any  Netware
    4.x server, such as one of the  2 user CD versions you can get  in
    one of those CNE classes  or for $15.00 U.S. (1-800-395-7135,  ask
    for the intraNetWare 2-user eval copy).  Once at his/her own  home
    server, the intruder performs the following steps:

        - The REMOTE.NLM is loaded with the -E option followed by  the
          captured encrypted password.
        - Enter Netware's internal debugger by typing the following  4
          keys together: left shift - right shift - alt - esc
        - Type in .M and enter, which will list the NLMs loaded  along
          with their addresses.
        - Hit enter until you find the REMOTE.NLM, and write down  the
          data address.
        - Type in D dataaddress and enter.
        - 40 bytes (give or  take, depending on NLM version)  from the
          address you typed in will be the unencrypted password, which
          is viewable  as plain  text in  the ascii  dump area  on the
          righthand  side  of  the  screen.  Note  that any lower case
          letters  will  have  been  transferred  to upper case, since
          Netware converted all  lower case to  upper case during  the
          original password encryption.


    Do not use Remote Console.  It doesn't encrypt its session anyway,
    so all work  you do remotely  flies across your  LAN in plaintext.
    Novell recommends  not using  Remote Console  on critical servers,
    but we recommend not using it at all.  If any server's console  is
    compromised, this  can be  leveraged to  obtain a  copy of NDS and
    subsequent password hash retrieval for cracking.

    Here are some things administrators can do to make things safer:

        1. Restrict physical access to the server (the debugger  can't
           be started through RConsole), and the backups.
        2. Use  an  RConsole  password  that  is  not the same as  any
           account password on  the system.   If a hacker  figures out
           the  RConsole   password,  and   the  console   is   locked
           (Monitor.NLM), here's what  they can do:   i. Press the  F1
           key for the help screen (allocates 4k of RAM to display the
           screen, then frees it when the screen is gone).  ii.  Guess
           the Admin  password (if  intruder lockout  is enabled, then
           this won't be very useful to the hacker, but Administrators
           should  have  a  separate  account  set  up in NDS that can
           unlock the  Admin account,  and for  other security-related
        3. Add the "-L" parameter  to the "Load  Monitor.NLM"  line in
        4. Always lock the console (Monitor.NLM) without specifying  a
           password before ending an RConsole session.