Novell Netware 3.x


    Systems running Novell Netware 3.x


    The following  text is  l0pht copyright  and it  is part  of their
    security advisory released January the 10th. Author is John Tan.

    Scenario: Users without a  personal login script are  vunerable to
    a trojan horse type attack.   Any user logged into the server  can
    create a personal login script for any user that does not  already
    have  one.   A  user  may  also  create  their  own personal login
    script,  circumventing  any  access  control  implemented  through
    EXITing  to  menu  systems  or  issuing commands from the personal
    login script.  Under these  senarios, one user may use  another to
    launch an elevated  privelidges attack.   Alternately, a user  may
    EXIT  from  the  login  script,  circumventing  any  menu  systems
    typically used to restrict access at the presentation level.   The
    vunerability has  been tested  under Netware  3.x, is  believed to
    exist in Netware 2.x (but  is un-tested).  Netware 4.x  is planned
    to undergo examination.

    Details:  Under Netware 3.x, the user's login script is stored  in
    that user's mail directory.   In this directory, any user  that is
    logged into the server  may create new files.   If user A were  to
    create a file  called LOGIN. in  the SYS:\MAIL\ subdirectory  that
    corresponds  with  their  own  or  another  user's mail id, user A
    could  cause  a  number  of  things  to happen which could be used
    toward user A's ends.

    Example 1: Elevated Privlidges #1

        Bad D00D writes a "brute force" style DOS program and  carries
        it around  on floppy  disk.   Bad D00D  logs into your Netware
        network as "GUEST" and types  "map" to find that the  F: drive
        is mapped to the SYS volume. "GUEST" types "F:" and "cd \MAIL"
        to  change  to  the   mail  directory.   "GUEST"  then   types
        "a:slipit"  to  run  his  program.   The  program  copies file
        "A:LOGIN"  to  every  directory  it  finds  below  the working
        (F:\MAIL)  directory.   Since  Bad  D00D  assumed that "GUEST"
        would not have file "S"can  rights in the MAIL directory,  the
        program  will  try  every  directory name possible, optionally
        starting with "1"  (as it assumes  that you wish  to treat the
        supervisor  different),  then  proceeding  to  "00000000"  and
        working sequentially to  "ZZZZZZZZ".  File  "A:LOGIN" contains
        the following ASCII text:


    Example 2: Elevated Privlidges #2

        Bad D00D logs into your  Netware Network as "GUEST" and  finds
        a menu  system.   The menu  system allows  for word processing
        and faxing.   It does not  seem to allow  for Bad D00D  to run
        his  cool  "slipit"  program.   So  Bad  D00D  runs  the  word
        processor and creates an ASCII file with the following text:


        Then  Bad  D00D  ("GUEST"),  tries  to  save  the  file  under
        F:\MAIL.   "GUEST" only  sees one  sub-directory under F:\MAIL
        and saves the file under that directory as "LOGIN".  Then  Bad
        D00D exits  the word  processor and  logs out  of Netware.  He
        immediately logs back into Netware  and WOW!  There's no  more
        menu system, just the DOS prompt.  Cool, Bad D00D can now  run
        his "slipit" program.

    Example 3: Backdoor Installation

        Bad D00D discovers that  he forgot a disk  and has to go  home
        and get  some other  programs.   He figures  that he will have
        quite a bit  more file system  access as "GUEST"  next time he
        logs in  now that  he has  run his  "slipit" program.   But he
        won't have  the SYSCON  access rights  he desires.   He really
        needs passwords for  SUPERVISOR or equivalents.   So with  the
        word processor from  before, or perhaps  EDIT, he creates  the
        file F:\MAIL\1\LOGIN with the following ASCII text:

            #C:\COMMAND.COM /C @ECHO=OFF

        Bad D00D  then types  "copy A:L0GIN.EXE  F:\MAIL\1\L0GIN.EXE".
        Now, the  next time  SUPERVISOR logs  in, the  SUPERVISOR will
        copy the trojan L0GIN.EXE  to F:\LOGIN\LOGIN.EXE and as  users
        login,  their  passwords  will  be  recorded  to an ASCII file
        F:\MAIL\<GUESTMAILID>\<USERNAME>.TXT.   Of  course  this means
        that Bad D00D  has to specify  a different mail  directory for
        each server to match the GUEST mail id on that server.

        If Bad D00D can find  out other usernames that are  supervisor
        equivalent and  their mailids,  he can  do this  for them too.
        He could also just write another "slipit"  program that  could
        optionally  distribute  additional  support  files  with   the
        LOGIN. file.


    This is a documented vunerability (pg. 118 of the Netware Concepts
    Manual).  The vunerability exists  due to the architecture of  the
    login procedure.  The SYSCON utility creates a MAIL directory  for
    every user  it creates.   It does  not however,  create a personal
    login script for each user as Novell has assumed you wish to  have
    the user call the default login script.  Strangely enough,  Novell
    cautions strongly against this  practice but continues to  make it
    the default.   Novell suggests "For  security purposes, each  user
    should have a  login script, however  minimal".  This  advise only
    addresses  vunerabilities   introduced  when   one  user    alters
    another's login  script.   It does  not, however,  address attacks
    involving the modification of a user's own personal login  script.
    There is, to  the best of  my knowledge, no  patch or work  around
    for defending against these types of attacks.