Netware - NDS (TTS)


    Netware 4.x's TTS


    Following was  found by  Simple Nomad  (NMRC).   It is possible to
    overflow the Transaction Tracking  System (TTS) built into  Novell
    Netware and possibly crash multiple servers.  The testing was done
    with the following configuration:

        Netware 4.11, Service Pack 5B

    It was  also confirmed  on Netware  4.1. All  systems had 64MB RAM
    and 1 GB drive space.

    The Transaction Tracking System (TTS) is used by Novell Netware to
    help preserve the integrity of data  during a system crash.  If  a
    transaction is in the process  of being written to the  hard drive
    when the system  crashes, upon reboot  the partial transaction  is
    backed  out  preserving  the  integrity  of  the  original   data.
    Administrators can optionally flag a file with the TTS flag to add
    this protection (typically  done with databases,  especially those
    that have  no rollback  features).   TTS by  default tracks 10,000
    transactions, and each instance uses a small amount of memory.  If
    a burst of transactions are  sent to the server and  the available
    memory is exhausted, TTS will disable.  While TTS is disabled,  no
    updates  can  be  made  to  Netware  Directory Services.  This can
    impact any program or process that updates NDS, such as login.  In
    extreme overrun cases,  such as very  large simultaneous (or  near
    simultaneous,  actually)  transactions,  memory  will  be depleted
    quick enough to crash the server.

    This  is  not  entirely  uncommon,  as  any large burst of traffic
    updating NDS will cause the problem, such as bringing up a  server
    after  several  days  of  downtime  that  has a Directory Services
    replica on it.  Normally  this can be corrected by  increasing RAM
    or lowering the  amount of transactions  tracked from the  maximum
    default of  10,000 down  to say  5,000 by  issuing the command SET
    MAXIMUM TRANSACTIONS  = 5000  at the  console or  via ServMan, and
    enabling TTS  by typing  ENABLE TTS  at the  console.   However, a
    malicious user with proper  access can force the  memory depletion
    and  potentially  crash  a  server  that  has a replica of the NDS
    database.   This  can  lead  to  multiple near-simultaneous server

    Of course anyone with administrative access can do this, but  they
    could obviously do other acts  that could be just as  destructive,
    if not more so.  What is  needed is the ability to create a  large
    number of NDS updates  very quickly.  For  example, if a user  has
    the ability to create a container and add objects to it, them that
    user has enough  authority to potentially  cause problems to  TTS.
    Creating  a  container,  dropping  a  few hundred objects into the
    container via drag-and-drop and then deleting the container should
    suffice.  If the server lacks  a large amount of free memory,  the
    server  will  quite  possibly  abend.   In  other  cases,  TTS  is
    disabled, which is a form of  Denial of Service.  As the  messages
    are sent across to other servers containing NDS replicas, they too
    may crash.  In test environment NMRC was able to crash two servers
    (Netware 4.1 and Netware 4.11)  with a the scenario of  creating a
    container,  adding  a  few  hundred  users,  and then deleting the
    container.  Thanks to Michel Labelle for notifying NMRC about this


    NMRC has  heard reports  of as  many as  a dozen  servers crashing
    within a  couple of  minutes of  each other,  so apply  the latest
    Service Pack for Netware 4.x on all servers or upgrade to  Netware
    5.   Per Novell  the latest  patches for  Netware 4.x  correct the
    problem, and Netware 5 does not have the problem at all.