

    - Trend OfficeScan Corporate Edition 3.0
    - Trend OfficeScan Corporate Edition 3.11
    - Trend OfficeScan Corporate Edition 3.13
    - Trend OfficeScan Corporate Edition 3.50
    - Trend OfficeScan Corporate Edition 3.51
    - Trend OfficeScan for Microsoft SBS 4.5


    Gregory  Duchemin  found  following.   He  has  recently discussed
    about the  numerous security  holes present  in officescan clients
    installed all  over the  lan, so  now let's  talk a  bit about the
    server side security.

    The web based manager features are,  in fact, a bunch of cgi  that
    are requested by the LAN admin  through a IIS web server.   All of
    this  cgi  are  stored  in  the ofcscan/Web/Cgi directory.  Please
    verify  first  that  everybody  doesn't  have the rights to modify
    these files otherwise you may go into big troubles ;)

    In a normal way of use, the admin, with his browser, asks for  the
    url   http://officescan-admin-server/officescan/   and   then,  he
    receives  an  html  based  authentication  form requiring an admin
    password to go  into the main  menu.  This  looks quiet usual  but
    NOT really !...look at this now

    1- there is no encryption, the password is diffused in plain  text
       format on the wire.

       Every LAN users  may sniff this  password and uses  it like the
       admin does even  in a switched  environment (with a  little arp
       game).   There  is  a  race  condition,  for  switched networks
       between the authentication form request and the real submission
       of this form.  Any average skilled user may be able to mount up
       a web server on his own workstation and spoof the mac adress of
       the actual officescan web server.   To catch the POST when  the
       officescan admin is  logging in.   The http interresting  field
       is:  TMLogon=password

    2- In fact, there is a much more serious problem in the web  bases
       security architecture.

       A malicious user inside the corporate network doesn't have need
       of  any  admin  password  to  remotely  manage all the clients.
       Because there is no session concept in the web based officescan
       server,  anybody  is  able  to  directly  ask  any cgi that are
       normally  used  only  after  authentication.   One of this very
       important is  called jdkRqNotify.exe,  it takes  two arguments:
       domain=your_domain and event=code,  no id session,  no security
       mecanism...just lame  !   This is  an example  in a  virtual NT
       domain named "T4rget"


    event=12 means uninstallation of any remote workstation antivirus.
    After submission of this url, our hacker gets an html form  asking
    him  for  a  machine  name  to  uninstall.   This  method is a bit
    simplier  that  other  i  described  in  my last posts.  There are
    numerous event codes, these are few of them:

        11: scan now
        12: uninstall
        14: rool back
        15: New alert message
        16: New Intranet Proxy
        17: New priviledge
        18: New protocol
        19: New password
        20: New client


    Some  of  this  event  code  need  some  previous  actions  to  be
    completed.  This  is the case  for New alert  message that need  a
    call to cgimsgalert.exe,  used to modify  the plain text  message,
    before  notify  it  to  all  clients.   our  malicious  user   can
    customize this message for everybody accordingly to his mood.

        1- http://web-based-server/officescan/cgi/cgimsgalert.exe  -->
           html form with textarea for message
        2- the hacker submit the form
        3- http://web-based-server/officescan/cgi/jdkRqNotify.exe?domain=T4rget&event=15
        4- the  hacker  choose  to  notify  every network clients  and
           specially the ceo one
        5- When infected, machines will  display the personal hacker's
           message on the screen.

    Among other  good things,  the hacker  will be  able to change the
    proxy configuration to catch  new files signatures, password  onto
    the clients, priviledge for the clients etc...


    This  vulnerability  is  only  present  when  the  above  software
    version is installed on a Windows  NT server with IIS.  It  is not
    present when  the above  software version  is installed  on Novell
    NetWare  servers  or  Windows   NT  server  without  IIS.    Patch