OU BackUp and Restore


    OU BackUp and Restore


    Hsiao  Leng  found  following.   He  carried  out some tests on OU
    Backup  and  Restore.   First  he  created  two  OU named as "Test
    Restore"  and  "Testing",  and  backup  the  "system  state data".
    Later,  he  deleted  the  "Test  Restore"  and  "Testing"  OU, and
    carried out a restore perform the following steps:

        - Boot up to "Directory Services Restore Mode"
        - Logon to Administrator account
        - Run ntdsutil, and type authoritative restore
        - At the authoritative restore prompt, type restore subtree
          OU=Testing,DC=Lab,DC=Solutions and hit Enter.
        - The Testing OU restored successfully.
        - At  the authoritative  restore prompt,  type restore subtree
          OU=Test Restore,DC=Lab,DC=Solutions and hit Enter.
        - This time, the Test  Restore OU cannot be restored  and gave
          an error of illegal syntex.
        - Have changed the syntex to restore subtree OU="Test Restore"
          DC=Lab,DC=Solutions,  or  restore  "subtree OU=Test Restore,
          DC=Lab,DC=Solutions", or  restore 'subtree  OU=Test Restore,
          DC=Lab,DC=Solutions', or restore subtree OU='Test  Restore',

    but still can't restore.


    It looks like the only thing  that was not tried after booting  to
    the F8 screen in  safemode and restoring a  copy of the AD  was to
    use the following statement:

        restore subtree "OU=Test Restore,dc=mydomain,dc=myroot,dc=com"

    The subscribers use of quotations below in an attempt to pass  the
    entire argument  to the  'restore subtree'  command failed  to try
    using  quotations  in  the  above  manner.   After using the above
    syntax  the  "syntax  error"  went  away  and  the  OU named "Test
    Restore" restored to the Active Directory properly.