PXE-2.0 protocol


    PXE-2.0 protocol


    Ollie Whitehouse found following.  This is really to plant a  seed
    in the minds of many on different attack vectors (i.e. it's theory
    based).  After  seeing the posting  on BugTraq about  the ISC DHCP
    client it got me thinking (leading on from something we have  been
    working  on  in  the  lab).   Allot  of  the Intel NICs these days
    support  PXE-2.0  (2.1)  for  remote  OS  loading/booting  (RedHat
    supports this for remote installs).   This got me thinking on  the
    possibility of three things.

    1) Compromise a machine on boot (i.e. either install a compromised
       version of  the OS  from a  different builds  server or  boot a
       different  image  -  i.e.   taking  Man-in-the-middle  to a new

    2) Boots  an  image  that  updates  firmware of the machine,  boot
       order, boot room (re-flashing an Intel NIC for something else?)

    3) The third is what we had been working on in the LAB, CISCO  PIX
       520 firewalls have three Network cards which (if you install  a
       graphics  card  in  your  PIX520)  you  will  see goes though a
       standard Phoenix bios then attempt to boot of all three network
       cards via PXE-2.0.  Typically in the way you would configure  a
       PIX, it would boot outside, DMZ, inside NICS in that order.  So
       if  you  can  ever  get  a  PIX to crash (it will automatically
       reboot) and your  compromised host on  the DMZ can  deliver the
       DHCP answers to the DHCP requests for PXE enabled NIC and  then
       deliver the  image via  TFTP (the  entry to  the TFTP server is
       gained from a DHCP  scope property).  So  you would be able  to
       configure (in theory) a PIX with a new remotely loaded  version
       of an image.

    The practice?  Well from what has been seen a majority of  PXE-2.0
    enabled network cards  are set to  boot local rather  than network
    so it  does wipe  out the  above attack  vectors (but  hey it only
    takes one).


    Set boot local.