Systems using RADIUS


    Following is based on  Rich Friedman's work tittled  Shared Secret
    Recovery in RADIUS.

    Remote  Authentication  Dial  In  User  Services  (RADIUS)  is  an
    increasingly  widespread  authentication  and  accounting   method
    defined by RFCs 2138 and 2139.  The sole method of  authentication
    between a RADIUS client (generally a Network Access Server) and  a
    RADIUS server  which is  not plainly  visible on  the network is a
    shared  secret.   While  this  shared  secret is never transmitted
    across the network, it is  often used in the user-password  hiding
    process  and  always  in  the  server's  response  authentication.
    Through  packet  capture  and  exploitation  of  the fact that the
    shared secret is the only  unknown present, the shared secret  can
    be recovered.  This has extremely significant implications.

    It  should  be  noted  that  this process directly compromises the
    RADIUS  clients  and  servers  themselves  rather  than  the  user
    passwords used to authenticate against those servers.  While  user
    passwords can  generally be  recovered after  a RADIUS  client and
    server have been compromised,  that is of secondary  consideration
    here.   A  basic   understanding  of  RADIUS  authentication   and
    accounting is assumed.  Readers should refer to RFCs 2138 and 2139
    for details beyond the scope of this document.

    Authentication for standard SLIP, PPP, telnet etc. sessions as are
    commonly defined in RADIUS dictionaries is assumed.  Use of RADIUS
    to provide direct authentication for, say, Unix logins, Windows NT
    domains or  Netware NDS  trees could  entail proprietary  encoding
    which may be seen as materially altering the RADIUS authentication
    process and lies beyond the scope of this document.

    A summary of the  RADIUS data format is  shown below.  The  fields
    are transmitted from left to right.   (1)

     0                   1                   2                   3

     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


    |     Code      |  Identifier   |            Length             |


    |                                                               |

    |                         Authenticator                         |

    |                                                               |

    |                                                               |


    |  Attributes ...


    The code field contains the packet type.  The codes significant to
    this paper are: (1)

       1       Access-Request
       2       Access-Accept
       3       Access-Reject
       4       Accounting-Request
       5       Accounting Response
       11      Access-Challenge

    The identifier is a session ID used to match requests and replies.

    The Authenticator, for  purposes of shared  secret recovery, is  a
    16 byte number which  should be unique over  the life of a  shared
    secret.  It is used  in authentication process between client  and
    server (as  opposed to  the ultimate  authentication of  the user)
    and in the user-password hiding process.

    When a user connects to  a RADIUS client (NAS), the  client issues
    a single Access-Request packet.   The client generates the  pseudo
    random request  authenticator, takes  the password  entered by the
    user, and performs the following calculation:

        Call the shared secret S and the pseudo-random 128-bit Request
        Authenticator RA.  Break the password into 16-octet chunks p1,
        p2, etc.  with the last one padded at the end with nulls to  a
        16-octet boundary.   Call the  ciphertext blocks  c(1),  c(2),
        etc.  We'll need intermediate values b1, b2, etc.

         b1 = MD5(S + RA)       c(1) = p1 xor b1

         b2 = MD5(S + c(1))     c(2) = p2 xor b2
                .                       .

                .                       .

                .                       .

         bi = MD5(S + c(i-1))   c(i) = pi xor bi

        The  String  will  contain  c(1)+c(2)+...+c(i) where + denotes

        On  receipt,  the  process  is  reversed to yield the original
        password. (1)

    The  result  of  this  calculation  is  used  as  the value of the
    User-Password  attribute.   It  should  be  noted  that  the value
    generated for the request authenticator is used to calculate,  but
    is distinct from, the response authenticator.

    Recovery of the shared secret is a simple, though  computationally
    demanding process.   A user  connects to  the RADIUS  client (NAS)
    using a null or a known password.  The Access-Request sent by  the
    client is obtained through packet capture.  Because either a  null
    or known password is used, the value MD5(S + RA) can be  extracted
    from the User-Password attribute.   As the value RA is  visible in
    plaintext  earlier  in  the  captured  packet,  the only remaining
    unknown is  the shared  secret S  which can  be obtained through a
    brute  force  dictionary  attack.   With  sufficient computational
    time, the shared secret will be recovered.

    The process previously outlined  assumes a null or  known password
    is used  and that  a User-Password  attribute is  present.  In the
    case  of  CHAP  authentication,  the CHAP-Password attribute takes
    the place  of User-Password.   Because CHAP  is itself  a password
    hiding process, the client  simply transmits the CHAP  response in
    the Access-Request and does not use the shared secret.   Depending
    on implementation, the  request authenticator may  be used as  the
    CHAP challenge.

    Because  the   shared  secret   is  not   used  in   encoding  the
    CHAP-Password  value,   the  shared   secret  must   be  recovered
    elsewhere.   In  the  user  authentication  process,  the   RADIUS
    server's  response  (either  an  Access-Accept,  Access-Reject  or
    Access-Challenge)  to  the  client   is  authenticated  with   the
    response  authenticator.   This  16  byte  value  resides  in  the
    Authenticator field of the RADIUS packet and is calculated with:

    MD5(Code+ID+Length+RequestAuthenticator+Attributes+Secret), where + denotes concatenation.

    Each  of  these  values  is  visible  in plaintext in the response
    packet with  the exception  of the  shared secret  and the request
    authenticator.  The request authenticator, however, is visible  in
    the preceding Access-Request packet.

    By taking the appropriate  values from the Access-Request  and the
    corresponding  response,  the  shared  secret  can be subject to a
    nearly identical dictionary attack  as in the method  outlined for
    plaintext and PAP passwords.

    It  should  be  noted  that  this  is a general purpose method and
    clearly in no way limited to the case of CHAP authentication.   It
    is outlined separately as it is  required in the case of CHAP  and
    demands  that  more  of  the  exchange  between  RADIUS client and
    server be available for inspection.

    One of  the capabilities  that has  made RADIUS  attractive is its
    ability to provide a standard  front end interface to third  party
    authentication  methods.    Authentication  against  third   party
    databases    (external    username/password    databases,    token
    authentication, etc.)  does not  materially affect  the process of
    shared secret recovery.  As  seen in the recovery method  outlined
    for  CHAP,  knowledge  of  the  actual password transmitted is not
    necessary to obtain the shared secret.

    The ability to  obtain user passwords  is a serious  concern.  The
    ability to obtain  the shared secret  is disastrous to  the entire
    remote access security  structure.  With  the shared secret  it is
    possible to:

        Permit unauthorized  users access  to the  network by  issuing
        apparently valid Access-Accept packets.  This will even  allow
        strong  token  based  challenge-response  authentication to be
        bypassed.  A valid username is not even required.

        Reject or modify the access  of legitimate users.  By  issuing
        apparently  valid   Access-Reject  packets   or  by    issuing
        apparently valid Access-Accepts which include attributes  that
        restrict  user  access,  significantly  fine  tuned  denial of
        service can be achieved.

        Flood  a  RADIUS  server  with apparently valid Access-Request
        packets, making it unavailable to legitimate client  requests,
        producing a denial of service.

        Produce fraudulent RADIUS accounting  records.  This can  have
        direct and profound financial impact, as RADIUS accounting  is
        often used for billing purposes.

        Circumvent   challenge/response   authentication   by  issuing
        apparently valid previously known Access-Challenge packets.

    Each of these  possible exploitations requires  successful address
    spoofing to  effectively impersonate  either the  RADIUS client or
    server.  There are  currently publicly available tools  which make
    address spoofing a relatively simple matter.

    Acknowledgements  goes  to  Sluggo,  Mudge,  Hobbit, and Dominique


    The easiest way to effectively  prevent this sort of attack  is to
    first choose  good shared  secrets of  at least  16 characters (as
    recommended in the RFC)  and second, to change  them periodically.
    If the shared  secret is sufficiently  large and unguessable  that
    it cannot  be recovered  before it  is changed,  the entire RADIUS
    environment remains intact from these attacks.  Having a different
    shared secret for each RADIUS client will also limit the range  of
    an  attack  should  one  of  the  shared secrets be obtained by an

    Some work  seems to  be done  by Dale  Cook of  SCIENTECH to solve
    these issues, see: