

    Trend Micro's ScanMail for Exchange 3.5 Evaluation (possibly others)


    Following is  based on  a STAT  Security Advisory.   Trend Micro's
    ScanMail  for  Exchange  (version  3.5)  stores the credentials of
    users  in  the   system  registry  with   no  protection.    These
    credentials apply to the NT domain, and include a valid NT  domain
    or system username, the NT domain name, and password.  This occurs
    in at  least two  places, once  when the  product is installed and
    once for use by the  Management Console.  Since both  installation
    and   management    require   administrative    privileges,    the
    administrative account  for the  system or  for the  entire domain
    can be compromised.

    Several registry values are created during installation and during
    use of the product's  Management Console to store  the credentials
    of the last user to log on.  These credentials are valid at  least
    on the server, and possibly  valid on the entire domain  depending
    on the last user to log in.  Additionally, these keys are  created
    with Everyone set to Special Access, which includes the ability to
    read the values.  The  usernames and passwords are rolled  right a
    number  of  characters  and  then  XOR'ed  with  a  constant   key

    For example, if the Administrators password is "test", then one of
    the following values would be stored:


    The result is a  possible administratative compromise of  a system
    (or quite possibly an entire domain).

    This vulnerability  was discovered  and researched  by Jon Maucher
    and Bill Wall of Harris Corporation.


    Trend Micro  recommends, as  a temporary  fix, that  the following
    keys (and all sub-keys) should have their permissions set to  Full
    Control  for   Administrators  and   SYSTEM  (remove   all   other

        HKLM\Software\TrendMicro\ScanMail for Exchange\RemoteManagement
        HKLM\Software\TrendMicro\ScanMail for Exchange\UserInfo

    The vendor is  implementing a new  encryption method that  will be
    available in version 5.1 of ScanMail for Exchange.