Bytes Interactive's Web Shopper (shopper.cgi) 1.0, 2.0
'f0bic' found following. The Web Shopper is a shopping cart/cart
management product by Bytes Interactive. It can be used to
develop both a catalogue as well as custom HTML pages, and allows
the designer to determine the layout, language, currency, and the
overall look of a shopping cart.
shopper.cgi allows users to switch between product pages using
the $VALUES{'newpage'} variable. This would make display product1.htm
Although this script has regex statements that single out the
double dot (..), it does not perform these checks by default.
Here's the problem:
if ($debug) {
foreach $vl (keys (%VALUES)) {
$er2 = ( $VALUES{$vl} =~ /(\[|;|>|<|&|\*|`|\\|]|\^|\||\?|'|~|\(|\)|\{|}|\$|\r|\n)/ );
# Remove any insecure relative path parts
$page =~ s/(\/\.\.\/)*//g;
$page =~ s/(\.\.\/)*//g;
$page =~ s/(.\/)*//g;
The $debug variable is commented out by default, and so bypassing
these insecure relative path checks. Therefore the newpage=" "
open() statement will allow the double dot (..) to be passed and
arbitrary directories and files to be read. In this way,
will be passed through the open() call and will return the
/etc/passwd file.
By uncommenting the #$debug=1 variable, the script will check for
insecure relative paths, and disallow an arbitrary file to be