SecurID Token Emulator with Token Secret Import


    SecurID Token Emulator with Token Secret Import


    I.C. Wiener found following.  He had performed some cryptoanalysis
    and  let's  just  say  he  does  have grounds to believe that this
    algorithm is easily breakable.  Once again, security of the cipher
    should  be  based  entirely  on  the  secrecy  of the key, not the

        /* (c) 1999-3001 I.C. Wiener */

        #ifdef _MSC_VER
            #pragma intrinsic           (_lrotr, _lrotl)
        #else /* GCC or CC */
            #define __int64             long long
            #define __forceinline       __inline__
            #define _lrotr(x, n)        ((((unsigned long)(x)) >> ((int) ((n) & 31))) | (((unsigned long)(x)) << ((int) ((-(n)) & 31))))
            #define _lrotl(x, n)        ((((unsigned long)(x)) << ((int) ((n) & 31))) | (((unsigned long)(x)) >> ((int) ((-(n)) & 31))))


        #define ror32(x, n)             _lrotr (x, n)
        #define rol32(x, n)             _lrotl (x, n)
        #define bswap32(x)              (rol32 ((unsigned long)(x), 8) & 0x00ff00ff | ror32 ((unsigned long)(x), 8) & 0xff00ff00)

        static __forceinline unsigned char      ror8 (const unsigned char x, const int n) { return (x >> (n & 7)) | (x << ((-n) & 7)); }
        static __forceinline unsigned __int64   rol64 (const unsigned __int64 x, const int n) { return (x << (n & 63)) | (x >> ((-n) & 63)); }
        static __forceinline unsigned __int64   bswap64 (const unsigned __int64 x) { unsigned long a = (unsigned long) x, b = (unsigned long) (x >> 32); return (((unsigned __int64) bswap32 (a)) << 32) | bswap32(b); }

        typedef union _OCTET
            unsigned __int64            Q[1];
            unsigned long               D[2];
            unsigned short              W[4];
            unsigned char               B[8];
        }   OCTET;

        void securid_expand_key_to_4_bit_per_byte (const OCTET source, char *target)
            int     i;

            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                target[i*2  ] = source.B[i] >> 4;
                target[i*2+1] = source.B[i] & 0x0F;

        void securid_expand_data_to_1_bit_per_byte (const OCTET source, char *target)
            int     i, j, k;

            for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 8; i++) for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--) target[k++] = (source.B[i] >> j) & 1;

        void securid_reassemble_64_bit_from_64_byte (const unsigned char *source, OCTET *target)
            int     i = 0, j, k = 0;

            for (target->Q[0] = 0; i < 8; i++) for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--) target->B[i] |= source[k++] << j;

        void securid_permute_data (OCTET *data, const OCTET key)
            unsigned char       bit_data[128];
            unsigned char       hex_key[16];

            unsigned long       i, k, b, m, bit;
            unsigned char       j;
            unsigned char       *hkw, *permuted_bit;

            memset (bit_data, 0, sizeof (bit_data));

            securid_expand_data_to_1_bit_per_byte (*data, bit_data);
            securid_expand_key_to_4_bit_per_byte (key, hex_key);

            for (bit = 32, hkw = hex_key, m = 0; bit <= 32; hkw += 8, bit -= 32)
                permuted_bit = bit_data + 64 + bit;
                for (k = 0, b = 28; k < 8; k++, b -= 4)
                    for (j = hkw[k]; j; j--)
                        bit_data[(bit + b + m + 4) & 0x3F] = bit_data[m];
                        m = (m + 1) & 0x3F;

                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        permuted_bit[b + i] |= bit_data[(bit + b + m + i) & 0x3F];

            securid_reassemble_64_bit_from_64_byte (bit_data + 64, data);

        void securid_do_4_rounds (OCTET *data, OCTET *key)
            unsigned char       round, i, j;
            unsigned char       t;

            for (round = 0; round < 4; round++)
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if ((((key->B[i] >> (j ^ 7)) ^ (data->B[0] >> 7)) & 1) != 0)
                            t = data->B[4];
                            data->B[4] = 100 - data->B[0];
                            data->B[0] = t;
                            data->B[0] = (unsigned char) (ror8 ((unsigned char) (ror8 (data->B[0], 1) - 1), 1) - 1) ^ data->B[4];
                        data->Q[0] = bswap64 (rol64 (bswap64 (data->Q[0]), 1));
                key->Q[0] ^= data->Q[0];

        void securid_convert_to_decimal (OCTET *data, const OCTET key)
            unsigned long       i;
            unsigned char       c, hi, lo;

            c = (key.B[7] & 0x0F) % 5;

            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                hi = data->B[i] >>   4;
                lo = data->B[i] & 0x0F;
                c = (c + (key.B[i] >>   4)) % 5; if (hi > 9) data->B[i] = ((hi = (hi - (c + 1) * 2) % 10) << 4) | lo;
                c = (c + (key.B[i] & 0x0F)) % 5; if (lo > 9) data->B[i] = (lo = ((lo - (c + 1) * 2) % 10)) | (hi << 4);

        void securid_hash_data (OCTET *data, OCTET key, unsigned char convert_to_decimal)
            securid_permute_data (data, key); // data bits are permuted depending on the key
            securid_do_4_rounds (data, &key); // key changes as well
            securid_permute_data (data, key); // final permutation is based on the new key
            if (convert_to_decimal)
                securid_convert_to_decimal (data, key); // decimal conversion depends on the key too

        void securid_hash_time (unsigned long time, OCTET *hash, OCTET key)
            hash->B[0] = (unsigned char) (time >> 16);
            hash->B[1] = (unsigned char) (time >> 8);
            hash->B[2] = (unsigned char) time;
            hash->B[3] = (unsigned char) time;
            hash->B[4] = (unsigned char) (time >> 16);
            hash->B[5] = (unsigned char) (time >> 8);
            hash->B[6] = (unsigned char) time;
            hash->B[7] = (unsigned char) time;

            securid_hash_data (hash, key, 1);

        unsigned char hex (const char c)
            unsigned char n = c - '0';

            if (n < 10) return n;
            n -= 7;
            if ((n > 9) && (n < 16)) return n;
            n -= 32;
            if ((n > 9) && (n < 16)) return n;
            exit (17);

        unsigned char read_line (FILE *fi, OCTET *outb)
            unsigned char       n;
            unsigned long       i;
            char                ins[80], *s;

            if (!fgets (ins, sizeof (ins), fi)) return -1;
            s = ins;
            if (*s == '#') s++;
            if (strncmp (ins, "0000:", 5) == 0) return -1;
            for (i = 0; i < 38; i++)
                n = hex (*s++) << 4;
                n |= hex (*s++);
                outb->B[i] = n;

            // securid bullshit import file decryption (how much do they pay their programmers???)
            // anyway, I replaced their 16 stupid xor-D69E36D2/rol-1 "rounds" with one rol-16/xor
            // doing exactly the same thing (I wonder what they used to generate their token secrets? ;)

            // btw, we ignore the last two bytes that are just a silly checksum

            for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) outb->D[i] = rol32 (outb->D[i], 16) ^ 0x88BF88BF;
            return 0;

        int main (int argc, char **argv)
            signed long         i, j, k, t, serial;
            OCTET               key, hi, hj, input, data[5];
            FILE                *fi;
            char                *s;

            if (argc != 4)
                printf ("usage: securid   \n");

            fi = fopen (argv[1], "rt");
            serial = bswap32 (strtoul (argv[2], &s, 16)); // although it's base-16, it's still just a decimal number
            input.D[0] = strtoul (argv[3], &s, 16); // although it's base-16, it's still just a decimal number as well

            if (!fi)
                printf ("Cannot open token secret file.\n");
                return -1;
            for (;;)
                if (read_line (fi, data)) return 1;
                j = data->D[1]; // printf ("%08X\n", j);
                if (read_line (fi, data)) return 1;
                if (j == serial)
                    key.Q[0] = data->Q[0];
            fclose (fi);

            if (j != serial)
                printf ("Token not found.\n");
                return -1;

            t = (time (NULL) / 60 - 0x806880) * 2; // (t & -4) for 60 sec periods, (t & -8) for 120 sec periods, etc.

            for (i = (t & -4), j = (t & -4) - 4; i < (t & -4) + 0x40560; i += 4, j -= 4)
                securid_hash_time (i, &hi, key);
                securid_hash_time (j, &hj, key);
                if ((hi.B[0] == input.B[2]) && (hi.B[1] == input.B[1]) && (hi.B[2] == input.B[0]))
                    j = i; k = (i - (t & -4)) / 2;  break;
                } else if ((hi.B[3] == input.B[2]) && (hi.B[4] == input.B[1]) && (hi.B[5] == input.B[0]))
                    j = i; k = (i - (t & -4)) / 2 + 1; break;
                } else if ((hj.B[0] == input.B[2]) && (hj.B[1] == input.B[1]) && (hj.B[2] == input.B[0]))
                    i = j; k = (j - (t & -4)) / 2;  break;
                } else if ((hj.B[3] == input.B[2]) && (hj.B[4] == input.B[1]) && (hj.B[5] == input.B[0]))
                    i = j; k = (j - (t & -4)) / 2 + 1; break;
            if (i != j)
                printf ("Either your clock is off by more than 1 year or invalid token secret file.\n");
                return -1;
            if (k)
                printf ("\nToken is %s your clock by %d minute%s.\n\n", (k > 0) ? "ahead of" : "behind", abs (k), (abs (k) == 1) ? "" : "s");
                printf ("\nToken clock is synchronised with yours.\n\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 40; j += 4)
                securid_hash_time (i + j, &hi, key);
                printf ("%X : %02X%02X%02X\n", i + j, hi.B[0], hi.B[1], hi.B[2]);
                printf ("%X : %02X%02X%02X\n", i + j, hi.B[3], hi.B[4], hi.B[5]);
            printf ("\nOK\n");
            return 0;

    Practically though, you would  need filesystem access or  physical
    access to  the ACE/Server  or the  media which  contains the ASCII
    seed files for the tokens.

    On a somewhat secure network, it would be very difficult to
    acquire the ASCII files, and therefore, this code is useless.  If
    there was a way to deduce the equivalent of the ASCII file by
    manipulating the clock time and knowing the serial number and the
    number displayed on the token, this would be much more dangerous.

    Code similar  to this  has been  quietly available  for quite some
    time.  Now  that its publicly  available, some smart  cryptanalyst
    can easily test  the assertion that  the numbers displayed  on the
    face of  the card  do not  reveal enough  information to determine
    the  card  secret.   (John  Brainard  made  this  assertion at the
    DIMACs  Network  Threats  workshop,  and  Steve Bellovin said that
    he'd looked at the issue as well).

    There are lots of sub-questions here: Do the digits displayed leak
    information about  the cycle,  how long  are the  cycles, are  all
    cycles  of  equal  length?   Also,  with  this code, it may become
    possible to replace portions of  a deployed system with open  code
    that  does  the  same  thing,  gaining benefits of reliability and


    This is Vin  McLellan response.   The SecurID hash  -- designed in
    1985  by  John  Brainard,  still  at  RSA  Labs  -- has been used,
    unchanged, to generate PRN token-codes (aka, "one-time passwords")
    in all of the more than 8 million SecurID hand-held authentication
    devices that RSA have been sold over the past 14 years.

    On Bugtraq, SecurID-savvy engineers quickly posted comments  which
    affirmed that Wiener's code  was indeed functionally identical  to
    the fabled,  but never  previously published,  SecurID hash.   Fed
    proper data --  a 64-bit secret  "seed" (usually shared  by only a
    SecurID and the ACE/Server  it authenticates to) and  Current Time
    --  Wiener's  code  will  apparently  produce  the  same series of
    time-synchronized pseudo-random  token-codes that  a real  SecurID
    (configured with  the same  seed and  proper Time)  would produce.
    This was  independently confirmed  in two  Security Alerts  mailed
    out  by  the  US-based  System  Administration,  Networking,   and
    Security (SANS) Institute.

    As of this writing, it appears that observation of the numbers  on
    the token is  not enough, however,  to determine the  card secret.