StarScheduler/StarOffice 5.1
Following is based on S.A.F.E.R. Security Bulletin 000309.EXP.1.4.
StarOffice comes with a nice groupware server, called
StarScheduler. It also includes a web server that is vulnerable
to several security problems.
A buffer overflow exists in the StarScheduler web server (which
listens on port 801), that can lead to remote execution of code
and root access. Since the server dies, this is also a DoS issue.
The problem is in the way web server handles long requests.
Sending a "GET /['A' x 933] HTTP/1.0" will crash the server. This
web server is running as a root. Another silly problem exists in
the server that allows any user to gain read access to files to
which they normally don't have access to. Example:
This will display the content of the /etc/shadow file.
No fixes are available yet. Sun has been contacted on 6th of
February, but no response from them.