Subscribe Me


    Subscribe Me Lite 1.0 - 2.0 Unix or 1.0 - 2.0 NT and below.


    Tom Pickles  found following.   Users of  Subscribe Me  Lite 1.0 -
    2.0 Unix or 1.0 - 2.0  NT, update today to protect your  Subscribe
    Me Lite from outside access to your administration panel.

    Yes  thats   right,  the   malicious  user   can  cause   somewhat
    considerable damage  to a  subscribe me  lite mailing  list if you
    are using versions  1.0 - 2.0  Unix or 1.0  - 2.0 NT  a simple web
    browser pre-formatted call,  can allow an  attacker to delete  ANY
    user from the list in the form of

    The  user  will  be  deleted  from  the  list  without any kind of
    verification whatsoever.


    The vendor has updated with this information, please update yours.