ScreamingMedia SITEWare 2.5, 3.0
Following is based on Foundstone Labs Advisory FS-061201-19-SMSW
by Mike Shema. A vulnerability exists with ScreamingMedia's
SITEWare Editor's Desktop which allows for the arbitrary viewing
of world-readable files anywhere on the system.
The SITEWare Editor's Desktop is a web-based administration
front-end for ScreamingMedia content. The listening server can be
assigned an arbitrary port on which to listen. The default login
page is accessed by the URL:
The SWEditServlet usually accesses templates from the
"../SITEWare/Control/" directory; however, the servlet will
follow directory path traversal. Therefore, by accessing the
SWEditServlet and requesting an arbitrary template it is possible
to view the source of that file. On a Solaris system, the
following resource path will reveal the contents of /etc/passwd:
As for exploit, from a browser, make the following URL request:
Please contact the vendor for a solution. Customers should obtain
upgraded software by contacting their customer support
representative to obtain patches.