The Bat!


    The Bat! 1.51 (latest)


    3APA3A found following.  There   is more fun then security  impact
    in this  issue, but  it's a  kind of  DoS and  can give  a lot  of
    headache to postmasters.  The Bat! is very convenient commercially
    available MUA for Windows with lot of features.

    While  RETRiving  message  via  POP3  (IMAP isn't tested) The Bat!
    incorrectly processes 0x0D (CR) character if it's not followed  by
    0x0A (LF).  The Bat! incorrectly calculates end of the message and
    the part of  message is treated  as reply from  POP3 server.   The
    Bat! fails to receive the rest of the messages and fails to delete
    received messages from server.   This leads to DoS against  user's
    POP3  account.   Malformed  message  can  emulate  any POP3 server

    For exploitation, extract attached "badmessage" and send it,  e.g.

        cat badmessage | sendmail -U

    or copy it  to user's mailbox.   This message causes  The Bat!  to
    show something like:

        !13.04.2001, 17:51:01: FETCH - Server reports error. The response is: --ERR Wrong User: replace user with your system administrator--

    message is crafted  to do not  contain this text  somewhere in the

    Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=""
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: inline; filename=""
    Content-MD5: dq0gD0D8rsjIUxp7zuVmNg==



    Ritlabs claims  this is  not a  bug of  The Bat!  but a bug of MTA
    (POP3/SMTP servers)  that allow  such odd  messages. The  proposed
    "bad-message"  (  is
    not RFC-compliant.  Any RFC-compliant POP3/SMTP server must either
    bounce or cure it.

    The  Bat!  could  bounce  such  odd  messages but it doesn't do it
    intentionally  because  there  are  some  odd  mailserver that use
    single LF as a line  endings.  These servers, however,  will quote
    the dot in  the end of  line and the  proposed "bad-message" won't
    work with them either.

    They are wrong.  This message _is_ RFC 822 and RFC 1251 compliant.
    In fact,  RFC  822  absolutely clear allows <CR> and <LF> even in
    some message headers:

        text        =  <any CHAR, including bare    ; => atoms, specials,
                            CR & bare LF, but NOT       ;  comments and
                            including CRLF>             ;  quoted-strings are
                                                        ;  NOT recognized.

    _any_ pop3 server shouldn't change this message, because RFC  1939
    follows RFC 822 for message standard.  RFC 821 (SMTP) simply  says
    "The mail data may contain any of the 128 ASCII character codes".

    RFC 1251 allow message to contains any binary data and strings  of
    any length.   In fact, sendmail  allows any characters  (including
    NULL) to be in message  body.  "badmess" was tested  with sendmail
    8.9.3 + mail.local + UW-pop3d 7.59.


    Use "Dispatch Mail on Server" feature to delete malformed  message
    from  server  or  use  different  MUA  as  workaround.   No proper

    Ritlabs made The Bat! to  handle CR and LF that strictly to  avoid
    this vulnerability.  The Bat!  v1.42 Beta/10 released Sat, 21  Apr
    2001  fixes  CR  handling  described.   It  is  now strict to line
    endings.  Only <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> is now treated as end of message.