Virus Buster


    Trend Micro Virus Buster Ver.3.5x


    Following is  based on  a SNS  Advisory No.38.   Trend Micro Virus
    Buster   (a.k.a   Officescan   Corporate   Edition)   contains   a
    vulnerability which allows attacker  to read arbitrary files  with
    IUSER privilege.

    Trend Micro Virus Buster is antivirus software for the  enterprise
    use.  It provides central virus reporting, automatic virus pattern
    updates, and Web-based remote management console.  A vulnerability
    lies in cgiWebupdate.exe, which is  one of the CGI programs  which
    used for remote management.   This problem can allow remote  users
    to  read  arbitrary  files  with  IUSER  privilege.  "Virus Buster
    Corporate Edition" is provided  only as Japanese version  which is
    a.k.a "Officescan Corporate Edition" as English version.

    Tested Version:
    - Trend Micro Virus Buster Corporate Edition Version 3.52
    - Trend Micro Virus Buster Corporate Edition Version 3.53
    - Trend Micro Virus Buster Corporate Edition Version 3.54

    Discovered by Nobuo Miwa.


    The patch is available from the following site: