

    Thise having VLAN


    Dave Taylor and Steve Schupp recently conducted some testing  into
    the security  of the  implementation of  VLANs on  a pair of Cisco
    Catalyst 2900  series switches  and we  feel that  the results  of
    this  testing  might  be  of  some  value to the readers.  Testing
    basically  involved  injecting  802.1q  frames  with  forged  VLAN
    identifiers into the switch in an attempt to get the frame to jump
    VLANs.  A brief background is included below for those that  might
    not be too  familiar with VLANs.   Others should skip  to the  end
    for the results.

    Virtual LAN (VLAN) technology is used to create logically separate
    LANs on  the same  physical switch.   Each port  of the  switch is
    assigned to a VLAN.  In  the case of the Cisco Catalyst,  VLAN'ing
    is done at layer  2 of the OSI  network model, which means  that a
    layer 3 device (router) is  required to get traffic between  VLANs
    (possibly a filtering device).

    In addition to  the above, VLANs  may be extended  beyond a single
    switch through  the use  of trunking  between the  switches.   The
    trunk allows  VLANs to  exist on  multiple switches.   To preserve
    VLAN information across the trunk, the ethernet frame is 'wrapped'
    in a trunking protocol.  Cisco have their own proprietary trunking
    protocol, but  they also  support the  emerging 802.1q  standard -
    they used 802.1q trunking in these tests.

    Basically, 802.1q adds a tag to the ethernet frame that  specifies
    the VLAN that the frame belongs to.  Thus, when it is  transported
    between switches over the trunk, it is possible for the  receiving
    switch  to  send  the  frame  to  the  correct  VLAN.   In Cisco's
    implementation of 802.1q  the tag is  four bytes long  and has the
    format "0x 80  00 0n nn"  where nnn is  the VLAN identifier.   The
    tag  is  inserted  into  the  ethernet frame immediately after the
    source MAC address.  So, an ethernet frame entering switch 1 on  a
    port that belongs to  VLAN 4 has the  tag "80 00 00  04" inserted.
    The  802.1q  frame  traverses  the  switch  trunk  and  the tag is
    stripped from the  frame before the  frame leaves the  destination
    switch port.

    For more information on 802.1q take a look at:

    During our  tests we  used the  packet generation  tool of Network
    Associates'  Sniffer  Pro  v  2  to  generate  802.1q  frames with
    modified VLAN  identifiers in  an attempt  to get  frames to  hops
    VLANs without the intervention of a layer 3 device.

    Testing team found that under specific conditions it was  possible
    to inject frames into one VLAN and have them 'hop' to a  different
    VLAN.  This is  a serious concern if  the VLAN mechanism is  being
    used  to  maintain  a   security  gradient  between  two   network
    segments.  This has been discussed with Cisco and we believe  that
    it  is  an  issue  with  the  802.1q  specification rather than an
    implementation issue.   The trunk port,  along with all  the other
    ports, must be  assigned to a  VLAN.  If  some non-trunk ports  on
    the switch  share the  same VLAN  as the  trunk port,  then it  is
    possible to  inject modified  802.1q frames  into these  non-trunk
    ports, and have the frames hop to other VLANs on another switch.


        Switch 1 has ports 1-12 on VLAN 1
        Switch 1 has ports 13-23 on VLAN 2
        Switch 1 has port 24 configured as an 802.1q trunk (VLAN 1)
        Switch 2 has ports 1-12 on VLAN 1
        Switch 2 has ports 13-23 on VLAN 2
        Switch 2 has port 24 configured as an 802.1q trunk (VLAN 1)
        Machine 1 is on port 1, switch 1.
        Machine 2 is on port 13, switch 2.

    We can send 802.1q frames with the following details...

        Source MAC = Machine 1
        Destination MAC = Machine 2
        VLAN ID = VLAN 2

    ...from machine 1 and  they will arrive at  machine 2.  This  will
    only occur if the trunk port  belongs to the same VLAN as  machine
    1.  * We tried  this only for the trunk  belonging to VLAN 1.   We
    expect that similar results would be achieve if machine 1 and  the
    trunk port shared VLAN 3, 4, ...

    This is a problem if the following conditions are met:

        1. The attacker has access to  a switch port on the same  VLAN
           as the trunk.
        2. The target machine is on a different switch.
        3. The attacker knows the MAC address of the target machine.

    In a real-life scenario, there may also be a requirement for  some
    layer 3 device to provide a connection from VLAN 2 back to VLAN 1.


    Try not to use VLANs as a mechanism for enforcing security policy.
    They are  great for  segmenting networks,  reducing broadcasts and
    collisions and so forth, but not as a security tool.  If you  MUST
    use them  in a  security context,  ensure that  the trunking ports
    have a unique native VLAN number.