

    VNC version 3.3.3r7 for Windows


    Following is based on CORE SDI Security Advisory  CORE-2001011502.
    VNC stands for  Virtual Network Computing.   It is, in  essence, a
    remote  display  system  which  allows  you  to  view  a computing
    'desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running,
    but  from  anywhere  on  the  Internet  and from a wide variety of
    machine architectures.

    The ATT VNC server for  windows ships with a remotely  and locally
    exploitable buffer  overflow if  it is  configured with  a certain
    debug level.

    By providing a specially crafted HTTP request an attacker has  the
    ability to obtain access to  the VNC server and execute  arbitrary
    commands with the privileges of the user running the server.

    This vulnerability was found by Emiliano Kargieman, Agustin Azubel
    and Maximiliano Caceres from Core SDI.

    The following  vulnerability depends  on having  the registry  key
    'DebugLevel' with a value greater than 0, and the ability to  send
    the right shellcode.

    The VNC server listens on the network for incoming HTTP  requests.
    In        the        file        vncHTTPConnect.cpp,        method
    vncHTTPConnectThread::DoHTTP, data read from the network is parsed
    using sscanf( x, "GET  %s", s ) into  a buffer with 1024  bytes of
    length.  The request is logged issuing a call to Log::Print() with
    the  following  string:  "vncHTTPConnect.cpp  :  "  +  s  + " file

    In  turn,  Log::Print()  (in  Log.h)  calls  the  private   method
    ReallyPrint() (in Log.cpp) which calls in turn vsprintf(3) with  a
    local buffer of  fixed length (1024  bytes).  Since  the length of
    the string might be as long as  1024 + 38 = 1062 bytes, the  saved
    return  address  in  the  stack  can  be overwritten, allowing the
    attacker  to  execute  arbitrary  code  with the privileges of the
    account running the VNC server.


    Contact vendor for an appropriate fix.  In the meantime apply this
    patch while inside the vnc_winsrc/winvnc directory:

    --- Log.cpp Mon Jan 15 18:17:46 2001
    +++ Log.cpp Mon Jan 15 18:18:31 2001
    @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
      // - Write the log message
    -    vsprintf(line, format, ap);
    +    _vsnprintf(line, sizeof(line)-sizeof(TCHAR), format, ap);