Weak Token in Mail.Com Application Allows Compromise of Arbitrary User's Data


    Some free Web mail services powered by


    Following  is  based  on  Black  Watch  Labs  Security   Advisory.
    Products affected are free  Web mail services powered  by
    (two underlying  free Web  mail applications  were identified, and
    this vulnerability pertains  to only one  of them.   Services that
    use the other  application are not  vulnerable as far  as we know.
    The free Web mail offered directly by is not vulnerable)

    The mail application employs a  weak security scheme.  It  assigns
    session-IDs ("tokens") for logged-in users which allow reading  of
    arbitrary  users'  messages  and  private  information,  if enough
    effort is invested.

    The  mail  service,  upon  successful  login,  assigns  an encoded
    session-ID for the user, in the following manner:

    1. The mailbox's number (a  decimal number consisting of around  8
       digits) is concatenated  with a colon  symbol, and the  current
       time (in seconds since 01/01/1970, based on the server's clock,
       9-10   decimal   digits)   is    appended   to   it,    reading
       nnnnnnnn:ttttttttt  (where  nnnnnnnn  is  the  number  of   the
       mailbox,  and  ttttttttt  is  the  time).   This string will be
       referred to as the clear session-ID.

    2. A base letter is randomly generated, probably in the range A-J.

    3. The   encoded  session-ID   consists  of   the  base    letter,
       concatenated  with   pairs  of   capital  letters,   each  pair
       conforming to a character  in the clear session-ID,  where this
       character's ASCII  code is  represented in  two decimal digits,
       and these digits  are taken as  an offset relative  to the base
       letter.  For example, if the base letter is A, then a character
       "1", whose ASCII code  is 49 is represented  as EJ, and if  the
       base letter  is G  and the  character to  encode is  ":", whose
       ASCII code is 58, then the encoded representation is LO.

    This encoded session-ID identifies the session, and is given  back
    to the user via  a cookie (if the  user is willing to  accept such
    one),  or  as  part  of  the  URL.  In both cases, the name of the
    parameter (or the cookie) is "iNAME", e.g.


    In many cases BHL encountered a situation wherein both the  cookie
    and  the  URL  trailer  were  sent  to  the user.  Apparently, the
    session is identified by the encoded session-ID, and by it  alone.
    Empirically,  the  session  is  not  accessible if one changes the
    timestamp, the mailbox number, or even the base-letter (of course,
    re-adjusting the rest of the string).

    The session is alive as long  as the user has not logged-out,  and
    the account is not  idle for longer than  6 hours.  Therefore,  if
    an  attacker  gains  the  encoded-session-ID  while the session is
    still alive,  he/she can  access all  the information  residing in
    the user account, such as personal information and messages.

    The encoded  session-ID can  be reconstructed  statistically (that
    is, an attacker can generate several candidates, one of which will
    be correct) relatively easily. First, the attacker needs to  guess
    (or know beforehand) a  mailbox number. Then, the  attacker should
    estimate when  the owner  of the  mailbox accesses  the mailbox (a
    fair estimate would be once a  day).  Next, the attacker needs  to
    know the approximate time on  the mail server (easily done  if the
    attacker opens a valid  account there, and decodes  the session-ID
    which contains the server time).  Now, in order to gain access  to
    the mailbox, the attacker needs  to write a script that  generates
    for each second  of the day,  all possible 10  encoded session-IDs
    (one per each possible base-letter), and send these to the  server
    (either as a cookie  or embedded into a  request URL).  If  indeed
    the  owner  of  the  mailbox  logged-in  during  the day, then the
    script will discover  it, and as  a final step  in the script,  it
    should get all the mailbox info.

    In a side note it should  be stated that the application does  not
    sanitize HTML and JavaScript when a user of the application  views
    the body of a mail message sent to him/her.  As a result, most  of
    the standard  exploits (e.g.  embedding links  and Javascripts  in
    various tags) work well and  can be used as standalone  attacks or
    in conjunction  with the  above vulnerability  (e.g. to  establish
    the initial link between email address and mailbox number).

    Identifying the  vulnerable application  can be  done by  checking
    whether  the  suspected  application  is  willing to serve clients
    that  disallow  cookies  (only  the  vulnerable  application  does
    that),  and  that  once  the  user  logged-in,  the  URLs have the
    "iNAME=..."  trailer.   If  such  is  the  case, the attack method
    described above  is applicable.   Naturally we  do not  provide an
    automated script that implements the attack.

    Black  Watch  Labs  is  a  research  group  operated  by  Perfecto
    Technologies  Ltd.,  the  leader   in  Web  application   security
    management.   Black  Watch  Labs  was  established  to further the
    knowledge  of  Web  application   security  within  the   Internet


    Vendors  using  the  product  have  been notified as has   Vendor patch  or workaround  is not  available at  the
    time of this release.