WFTPD v3.00 R5


    'ByteRage' found  following.   Let's quote  the manual  on how the
    *.lnk feature is supposed to work:

      "File Security
       Note that  since version  2.40, [...]  WFTPD handles  shortcuts
       [...] if  a user  lists a  directory that  contains .LNK  files
       (shortcuts),  they  will  see  those  file  names  (without the
       ".LNK" extension)  followed by  an arrow  "->" and  the path to
       the  file  that  the  shortcut  references  (if  that  path  is
       available to the user).  If  a link points to a directory,  the
       user must have  some rights to  access that directory  in order
       to follow the link.  If a link points to a file, the user  will
       have the same  access to the  file as they  would to any  other
       file  in  the  directory  containing  the  link.   This  is  an
       important point -  by placing a  link to a  "secured" file into
       an "unsecured"  directory, the  file is  essentially no  longer
       secured.  Deleting  or renaming a  link through the  FTP server
       deletes or renames only the shortcut, not the item pointed to.

       [...],  there  is  a  danger  that  someone may (if allowed to)
       upload a LNK file that contains a shortcut to a protected  area
       of your  disk, and  thereby download  private information.   To
       prevent this, we have disallowed any method we know of  through
       the FTP interface to be able to create LNK files.  You will  no
       longer be able  to upload files  with an extension  ".LNK", and
       you will not be  able to rename files  through WFTPD to have  a
       .LNK  extension  (unless  those  files  already  have  a   .LNK
       extension).   We  are  aware  that  this  places some limits on
       legitimate  .LNK   files  (such   as  link   input  files   for
       developers),  but  we  believe  that  the  ability  to   access
       shortcuts is important enough to take this protective action."

    Well such a scenario is possible, by sending the following command

        PUT \local.lnk remote.lnk

    So basically we just need to  append a dot to the lnk  filename to
    fool WFTPD into  accepting a *.lnk  file, and we  can traverse the
    homedirectory.   Users   with  write   permissions  can   traverse


    Nothing yet.