

    WinU 4/5


    Nu Omega Tau found following.  As we all know is Windows 9X an  OS
    without  any  (good/local)  security.   WinU  is  one  of the many
    programs who in trying to change this.  But some things can  still
    be improved, such as the password encryption...

    Encryption - Version 4.X-5.0
    Up to version 5.0  the following password encryption  algorythm is

        154 - asciicode_of_character = encrypted_asciicode_of_character

    in other words, for the letter "A" (ASCII 65) the formula would be

        154 - 65 = 89 or 154 - ASCII(A) = ASCII(Y)

    So the word WinU (ASCII 87,  105, 110, 85) would encrypt to:  C1,E
    (ASCII 67,  49, 44,  69).   The encrypted  string is then reversed
    (E,1C) to confuse a password  cracker.  The encrypted password  is
    then stored in the Windows registry:

        HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WinU4\Config or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WinU5\Config

    The other program settings are also in the key, but the  encrypted
    password is somewhere  near the beginning,  if it's a  word you'll
    be able to recognise it if you just decrypt the entire string.

    Encryption - Version 5.1
    Well... Bardon "fixed" it in version 5.1, instead of the

        154 - asciicode_of_character = encrypted_asciicode_of_character

    formula the following formula is used now:

        asciicode_of_character + 101 = encrypted_asciicode_of_character

    This only protects from  passwords attacks where a  canned program
    (like the  infamous WinU4  hacker utilities)  is used.   The  more
    advanced  and/or  determined  cracker  will  search  for the right
    algorythm  and  with  the  help  of  a text of the 4-5.0 algorythm
    he'll be able to crack it within minutes.


    Use a non-reverseable encryption  algorythm like DES or  something
    or at least  a little more  complicated formula then  + this or  -

    This   vurnerability   makes   WinU   very   insecure,   lot's  of
    computernetworks using WinU can be easy taken over, especially  if
    they've got  an easy  to recognise  password like  "oliebollen" or