pis and mkpis
UnixWare 7.x
Brock Tellier found following. A vulnerability in
/usr/local/bin/pis on SCO UnixWare will allow any user to create
arbitrary files with group "sys" privileges. A full root
compromise is then trivial. As usual, this was only tested on
UnixWare 7.1.
By creating a symlink between /tmp/pisdata and any sys-owned file
we can overwrite that file with ps output. If we point the
symlink at a non-existant file in a directory which we can write
to (such as, say, /sbin/ls), pis will create this file mode 666
owned by us, group of sys. This is a fairly simple compromise.
/sbin is writable by group sys. We can create files in /sbin
owned by us. And root's default $PATH starts with /sbin.
bash-2.02$ ls -dal /sbin
drwxrwxr-x 2 root sys 3072 Dec 28 08:18 /sbin
bash-2.02$ ln -s /sbin/xnec /tmp/pisdata
bash-2.02$ pis
<program output>
bash-2.02$ ls -la /sbin/xnec
-rw-rw-rw- 1 xnec sys 5896 Dec 28 08:28 /sbin/xnec
As a bonus, /usr/local/bin/mkpis is vulnerable to the same /tmp
symlink problem. It has the same permissions as pis.
This issues are security holes in the distributed versions of
this package, and are not SCO security holes. Furthermore, on a
system with all of the security patches installed, the distributed
exploit for components of orion (pis, mkpis) will not even work.
Still, SCO do recognize that these issues come up from time to
time in open licensed software that we do not control or maintain.
This is precisely the reason for the Skunkware disclaimer.
Updated versions will appear on the SCO skunkware site
as they come available and as they get built for SCO platforms.